Clear Filters
Clear Filters

this code simulating laser output power respect to time for different laser dimensions length, width and diameter of cavity. Can anyone explain indetail this part of the code

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LL=[250E-6, 250E-6, 500E-6, 500E-6, 250E-6, 500E-6]; %cavity length
ww=[5E-6, 10E-6, 5E-6, 10E-6, 5E-6, 10E-6]; %cavity width
dd=[0.2E-6, 0.2E-6, 0.2E-6, 0.2E-6, 0.1E-6, 0.1E-6]; %cavity diameter
for iii=1:length(LL)
ti = 0;
tf = 2.50E-9;
tspan=[ti tf];
y0=[0; 0; 0];
[T,Y]= ode45(@(t,y) rate_eq(t,y,V),tspan,y0);

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