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Need help abt error.

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moonman on 28 Sep 2011
Here is my code. till the time the alto_dur and teb_dur are exactly same vectors, then there is no problem but if i make
alto_dur = [ 2*t t 2*t t 5*t]; and
treb_dur=[*t* t 2*t t 5*t]; I get error
??? Error using ==> plus Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in ==> test at 38 final_song = cellfun(@plus, alto, treb, 'Uniform', 0); % Alto Tones and Treble tones are added
The code is here fs=8500; t=.18; % this t is used in duration as a multiple or single identity % Key Number and duration of each note %************************Alto************ alto_keys = [ 46 46 0 46 0]; alto_dur = [ 2*t t 2*t t 5*t]; %************************************
%******************Treeble*********************************** % It is high or acute part of the musical system
treb_keys=[56 56 0 56 0 ]; % Duration of ech note treb_dur=[2*t t 2*t t 5*t]; %********************************************
alto = cell(1, length(alto_keys)); % It will creat a cell array having one row and % columns equal to number of keys for i = 1:length(alto_keys) % The for loop continues till number of Keys alto{i} = adsr_note(alto_keys(i), alto_dur(i)); % Function adsr_note is called which calculates %tone for each key for the specified duration and apply ADSR Envolop on it. This tone is stored in % alto{i} end
treb = cell(1, length(treb_keys)); % It will creat a cell array having one row and % columns equal to number of keys for k = 1:length(treb_keys) % The for loop continues till number of Keys treb{k} = adsr_note(treb_keys(k), treb_dur(k)); % Function adsr_note is called which calculates %tone for each key for the specified duration and apply ADSR Envolop on it. This tone is stored in % treb{i} end
final_song = cellfun(@plus, alto, treb, 'Uniform', 0); % Alto Tones and Treble tones are added % Option Uniform or UniformOutput set to 0 (or false) means, that output from function will be stored in cell array
% Concatinating Tone Vectors tone = cat(2, final_song{:}); % It will concatinate arrays of final_song in a row. 2 means %row. If we will use 1, it will concatinate in a column
  1 Comment
Wayne King
Wayne King on 28 Sep 2011
Hi, it's hard to read your code above. If the error is occurring at
cellfun(), please give us the sizes of alto and treb
size(alto), size(treb)

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Accepted Answer

Wayne King
Wayne King on 28 Sep 2011
Sorry, I just noticed I hadn't changed something. Here is a quick hack with a for loop. I'm sure there is a more elegant way if I had time. Basically you have to figure out which vectors are longer in alto or treb and then pad the shorter vector.
fs=8500; t=.18;
alto_keys = [ 46 46 0 46 0];
alto_dur=[ 3*t t 2*t t 5*t];
treb_keys=[56 56 0 56 0 ];
treb_dur=[3*t t 3*t t 5*t];
alto = cell(1, length(alto_keys));
for i = 1:length(alto_keys) alto{i} = adsr_note(alto_keys(i), alto_dur(i));
treb = cell(1, length(treb_keys));
for k = 1:length(treb_keys) treb{k} = adsr_note(treb_keys(k), treb_dur(k)); end
for kk = 1:length(treb)
if (length(treb{kk})==length(alto{kk}))
alto{kk} = alto{kk};
alto{kk} = [alto{kk}, zeros(1,length(treb{kk})-length(alto{kk}))];
final_song = cellfun(@plus, alto, treb, 'Uniform', 0);
tone = cat(2, final_song{:});
  1 Comment
Wayne King
Wayne King on 28 Sep 2011
I should note than in this example I knew that treb contained the longest vectors because of your _dur vector.

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More Answers (7)

moonman on 28 Sep 2011
Thanks King i am posting the same code again along with the function The code works fine if alto_dur and treb_dur is same. If for anykey lets suppose for key no 1, i give 2*t to alto and 3*t to treb, i get error. My actually code is having 300 keys, i am just writing 5 keys for showing purpose.
fs=8500; t=.18; alto_keys = [ 46 46 0 46 0]; alto_dur = [ 2*t t 2*t t 5*t]; treb_keys=[56 56 0 56 0 ]; treb_dur=[2*t t 2*t t 5*t]; alto = cell(1, length(alto_keys)); for i = 1:length(alto_keys) alto{i} = adsr_note(alto_keys(i), alto_dur(i));
end treb = cell(1, length(treb_keys)); for k = 1:length(treb_keys) treb{k} = adsr_note(treb_keys(k), treb_dur(k)); end final_song = cellfun(@plus, alto, treb, 'Uniform', 0); tone = cat(2, final_song{:});
**********Now the function*****************************
function [tone]=adsr_note(keynum,dur)
fs=8500; tt=0:(1/fs):dur; freq = 440 *(2^((keynum-49)/12)); y=sin(2*pi*freq*tt);
A = linspace(0, 1, (length(y)*0.18)); D = linspace(1, 0.7,(length(y)*0.08)); S = linspace(0.7, 0.7,(length(y)*0.40)); R = linspace(0.7, 0,(length(y)*0.34));
ADSR = [A D S R] ;
w = zeros(size(y)); w(1:length(ADSR)) = ADSR;
tone=y.* w;

Wayne King
Wayne King on 28 Sep 2011
Hi, I don't have any problem running this code:
fs=8500; t=.18;
alto_keys = [ 46 46 0 46 0];
alto_dur = [ 2*t t 2*t t 5*t];
treb_keys=[56 56 0 56 0 ];
treb_dur=[2*t t 2*t t 5*t];
alto = cell(1, length(alto_keys));
for i = 1:length(alto_keys) alto{i} = adsr_note(alto_keys(i), alto_dur(i));
treb = cell(1, length(treb_keys));
for k = 1:length(treb_keys) treb{k} = adsr_note(treb_keys(k), treb_dur(k)); end
final_song = cellfun(@plus, alto, treb, 'Uniform', 0);
tone = cat(2, final_song{:});
with your adsr_note function. Maybe you have something left over in your workspace that is causing an error? Or maybe you're using a differnt version of adsr_note (perhaps you saved it in a different folder). Can you clear your workspace and try it?
>>which adsr_note
return what you think it should?

moonman on 28 Sep 2011
King at present this code is ok if u change the alto_dur to
alto_dur=[ 3*t t 2*t t 5*t]; % i have changed first duration
then u will get error as treb_dur first element id 2*t and alto_dur first element is 3*t
how to overcome this problem b/c i want to give different timing to keys of alto and treble
Thanks a lot

Wayne King
Wayne King on 28 Sep 2011
Can you just pad the shorter vectors with zeros to make them equal length with the longer ones. That way the vector addition will be defined.
fs=8500; t=.18;
alto_keys = [ 46 46 0 46 0];
alto_dur = [ 3*t t 3*t t 5*t];
treb_keys=[56 56 0 56 0 ];
treb_dur=[3*t t 3*t t 5*t];
alto = cell(1, length(alto_keys));
for i = 1:length(alto_keys) alto{i} = adsr_note(alto_keys(i), alto_dur(i));
treb = cell(1, length(treb_keys));
for k = 1:length(treb_keys) treb{k} = adsr_note(treb_keys(k), treb_dur(k)); end
alto = cellfun(@(x) [x zeros(1,length(treb{1})-length(alto{1}))], alto,'UniformOutput',false);
final_song = cellfun(@plus, alto, treb, 'Uniform', 0);
tone = cat(2, final_song{:});
fs=8500; t=.18;
alto_keys = [ 46 46 0 46 0];
alto_dur = [ 3*t t 3*t t 5*t];
treb_keys=[56 56 0 56 0 ];
treb_dur=[3*t t 3*t t 5*t];
alto = cell(1, length(alto_keys));
for i = 1:length(alto_keys) alto{i} = adsr_note(alto_keys(i), alto_dur(i));
treb = cell(1, length(treb_keys));
for k = 1:length(treb_keys) treb{k} = adsr_note(treb_keys(k), treb_dur(k)); end
alto = cellfun(@(x) [x zeros(1,length(treb{1})-length(alto{1}))], alto,'UniformOutput',false);
final_song = cellfun(@plus, alto, treb, 'Uniform', 0);
tone = cat(2, final_song{:});

moonman on 28 Sep 2011
Yes u r right can u write those few lines for me as i am totally exhasuted now it will be great help for me

moonman on 28 Sep 2011
Thats great help King, now the code is running perfect but the condition is that the treb vector of duration is always more than alto. But if i make any duration of treb less than alto, then it gives error
Lets suppose alto first key is having 3*t and treb first key is having duration 2*t, then it gives error..
How to go abt that
b/c in piano, any key can have higher timing
Sorry i m bothering u again and again

moonman on 28 Sep 2011
Thanks a lot King, u again saved my precious time. I modified ur code and now it can handle both situations, key time is higher or lower,it will work
for kk = 1:length(treb)
if (length(treb{kk})==length(alto{kk}))
alto{kk} = alto{kk};
else if (length(treb{kk})>length(alto{kk}))
alto{kk} = [alto{kk}, zeros(1,length(treb{kk})-length(alto{kk}))];
treb{kk} = [treb{kk}, zeros(1,length(alto{kk})-length(treb{kk}))];


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