How to load pre trained agent model and simulation by using it?

9 views (last 30 days)
I wanna do simulation by using pre trainned model(agnet).
How should I do ? And Is there a way to check if I can use the trained model (display of training manager, etc.)?
Is it possible to extract observation data from the model?
agentOptions = rlSACAgentOptions;
agentOptions.SampleTime = Ts;
agentOptions.DiscountFactor = 0.5;
agentOptions.TargetSmoothFactor = 1e-3;
agentOptions.ExperienceBufferLength = 1e6;
agentOptions.MiniBatchSize = 1024;
agentOptions.EntropyWeightOptions.TargetEntropy = -1;
agent = rlSACAgent(actor,[critic1 critic2],agentOptions); % What should i do here
maxepisodes = 15000;
maxsteps = 1e6;
trainingOptions = rlTrainingOptions(...
%% is this correct way?
agent = agent;
trainingStats = train(agent,env,trainingOptions);

Answers (1)

Abhaya on 6 Dec 2024
Hi Ryunosuke,
To load and simulate a pre-trained Reinforcement learning model, please follow the steps given below.
  • Load the pre-trained agent data:
load(K35_cal2_joint1_60.mat, 'agentData');
  • Extract the actor and critic networks from the pre-trained agent
actorNetwork = agentData.agent.Actor;
criticNetwork = agentData.agent.Critic;
  • Create the agent with the loaded networks and configuration
agentOptions = rlSACAgentOptions;
% Configure agentOptions as required
agent = rlSACAgent(actorNetwork, criticNetwork, agentOptions)
  • Simulate the agent using the MATLAB ‘rlSimulationOptions’ function and ‘sim’ Function: MATLAB ‘rlSimulationOptions’ function creates options for simulating a reinforcement learning agent within an environment.
simOptions = rlSimulationOptions('MaxSteps', 500); % Specify the maximum steps per simulation
res = sim(agent, env, simOptions);
Additionally, you can extract the observation from the agent by using MATLAB ‘getObservationInfo’ function.
obsInfo = getObservationInfo(agent);
For more information, please follow the MATLAB documentation for the ‘getObservationInfo’ function and the ‘rlSimulationOptions’ function.
You may also find the following MATLAB community discussion helpful.
Hope this solves the query.

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