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3D simulation engine interface setup error: could not establish communication. Please restart the simulation.

5 views (last 30 days)
Nguyen Luong Minh
Nguyen Luong Minh on 12 Jun 2022
Edited: Nguyen Luong Minh on 12 Jun 2022
I faced similar issue (when try to connect Matlab/Simulink 2021b with Unreal Engine 4.25). What is the status of this ticket?
Mike Sasena
Mike Sasena on 1 Mar 2023
Hi Nguyen,
It doesn't look like you've received any response yet. Did you reach out to MathWorks Tech Support (e.g., via the Service Request form)? We'll need more info to find out what's going on in your specific case, so our Tech Support team is a good way to ask those kinds of questions.

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Answers (1)

Chandrika on 4 Feb 2024
Please ensure that you are starting the simulation from the Unreal Editor if you have not been doing that. Since the source of the scenes is the project opened in the Unreal Editor, once on clicking the “Run” button in the Simulink model, click on ‘Play’ in the Unreal Editor to finally run the simulation in the scene.
Also, once on clicking “Run” in Simulink, verify that the Diagnostic Viewer window in Simulink displays the following message:
"In the Simulation 3D Scene Configuration block, you set the scene source to 'Unreal Editor'. In Unreal Editor, select 'Play' to view the scene."
This message confirms that Simulink has instantiated vehicles and other objects in the Unreal Engine environment.
You can find more information on the same in the documentation attached below:
Hope this helps!




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