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cycling through both linestyle and linecolor

107 views (last 30 days)
I want to plot lines that differ in both linestyle and linecolor (because if someone makes a b&w copy of the paper, they lose the linecolor information). If I specify a set of linestyles, plot cycles through all the colors on the first style, then all the colors on the second style, and so on. It would be really convenient if I could specify a default sequence of lines that include BOTH style and color; e.g.,
blue solid line
red dashed line
green dotted line
yellow dash-dot line, etc.
I want to be able to do this with Matlab's automatic line rendering, not plotting one line at a time, specifying the details for each one.
Does anyone know of a way to do this? Has anyone created a routine to do it?

Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 17 Mar 2023
Starting in MATLAB R2023a you can cycle through LineStyleOrder and ColorOrder together by setting LineStyleCyclingMethod to 'withcolor'.
styles = {'-','-o', '-^'};
colors = [1 0 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 0];
ax = axes();
ax.LineStyleOrder = styles;
ax.ColorOrder = colors;
ax.LineStyleCyclingMethod = 'withcolor';
hold on
plot(0:.1:1, rand(1,11)+(1:6)')
For solutions in MATLAB prior to R2023a see the other answers in this thread. Also see a summary of line style and color control in this answer.

More Answers (3)

Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng on 24 Sep 2015
Edited: Joseph Cheng on 24 Sep 2015
To answer the last question you can write your own plot function as i have below:
function hplot = cblindtest(pnts)
hplot = plot(pnts);
% styles:
% b blue . point - solid
% g green o circle : dotted
% r red x x-mark -. dashdot
% c cyan + plus -- dashed
% m magenta * star (none) no line
% y yellow s square
% k black d diamond
% w white v triangle (down)
% ^ triangle (up)
% < triangle (left)
% > triangle (right)
% p pentagram
% h hexagram
clor = 'bgrcmyk';
markertype = ' .ox+*sdv^<>ph';
mind = 1;
for ind = 0:length(hplot)-1
lind = mod(ind,4);
if markertype(mind)==' '
mtype = 'none';
mtype = markertype(mind);
if mod(ind+1,4)==0;
mind = mod(mind,14)+1;
which can be run with
pnts = randi(6*13,1,1);
pnts = repmat(1:pnts,3,1);
xlim([0 4])
edit as desired

pietro on 5 Jul 2014
Edited: pietro on 5 Jul 2014
you can do it by setting the line order style. Here an example:
'colororder',[0 0 1;0 .5 0;1 0 0],'nextplot','add')
x = 0:.01:1;
in this example at first the '-' is set and then the colors are changed from blue to red for the first three lines. From the fourth to the sixth line the ':' styli is selected and the color will be changed. Hopefully it will helps
Anton Fetzer
Anton Fetzer on 14 Mar 2021
Edited: Anton Fetzer on 14 Mar 2021
@pietro Your code does not answer the question @Hal Caswell and @Christian have.
It changes the line style only after it has cycled through the colours.
But what they and myself want is to be able to cycle through line and colour options independently.
When I need to plot lines I want each of them to have a different colour and different line style.
No colour or linestyle used twice.
Your code uses the same line style until it runs out of colours.
That is the default behaviour that we do not want.
thomas greenhill
thomas greenhill on 28 Apr 2021
Did you ever figure this one out?
If so, I would love to hear your solution.

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Tongyao Pu
Tongyao Pu on 25 Jun 2021
Edited: Tongyao Pu on 25 Jun 2021
A semi-automatic code I have came up:
% define line style or color you want
sty = {'-', '--', '-.',':'};
col = {'#0072BD', '#D95319', '#EDB120', '#7E2F8E'};
% loop through your plot
for i = 1:4
plot(x, y, string(sty(i)), 'Color', string(col(i)))
% x, y can be vectors changin according to i
% ofc if i > 4, you can do something like mod(4, i) to make the index
% go back again.
It's essentially the same as Cheng's answer, but I made it this way so you can edit the color other than the bgrcmyk colors


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