Function to display variables in MATLAB figures

29 views (last 30 days)
Say I have to plot the following:
x = [3 4 5 6]; y = [6 7 8 9];
Say in some logic these vectors hold their value for 'case1' which holds an integer value 10 (say).
Now I want this integer -10 i.e. value of 'case1' to display when I plot a MATLAB figure say using plot(x,y). Is there a function that will insert this value onto my plot?
Thank you

Answers (1)

Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta on 16 Aug 2011
Where do you want to insert this in the plot? You can insert this as a point on the existing graph using:
hold on;
plot(-10,1,'xk'); % Whats the y coordinate for -10 ?
If you just want to insert it to annotate your graph, you can use:
hold on;
text(2,3,'case1: -10');
If you want to place this as the title:
title(['case 1:' num2str(-10)]);
Rohan on 16 Aug 2011
Aplogies the '-' in the pos was to stand for hiphun and not negative sign.
Yeah I want to have it as a title. So does the num2str function display the value '10' on the plot screen title if I did the following?
Case_val = 10;
title(['case 1' num2str(Case_val)]);
Chirag Gupta
Chirag Gupta on 16 Aug 2011
should! If you want the quotes around the the number then:
title([' case 1: ''' num2str(val) '''']);

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