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How can I compile (C) variables used several time in Simulink as global?

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a Simulink model in which I use some parameters in different places. I initialize each parameter at the beginning through a .m file, where they are all listed. Than I call them through "costants" blocks every time I need them.
Now, when I generate the C code, a new variable is actually defined and declared every time I use the same constant in Simulink. How can I compile, so that each different parameter is only once as global defined in the C code?
Thank you very much!
  1 Comment
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 13 Jun 2014
Do you mean that multiple C variables are created for each MATLAB variable? I would expect a 1:1 correspondence. Could you clarify?

Answers (1)

Anthony Poulin
Anthony Poulin on 3 Jul 2014
Do you try to use "Goto" and "From" simulink blocks?
You declare your variables in constant blocks once and you connect them to Go to blocks.
Then, instead of use constant block when you need the varaiable, you use a From block like in the picture below.

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