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Simulink button for a cubic function

25 views (last 30 days)
Phil on 10 Apr 2014
Answered: ragesh r menon on 10 Apr 2014
Trying to solve a nonlinear model and a linearized model using Simulink and I need a simple cubed button. Cannot find it anywhere. Just need something to simply do u^3.

Answers (1)

ragesh r menon
ragesh r menon on 10 Apr 2014
You can use "user defined function" blocks in Simulink for these purposes. Use "Fcn","Matlab function" etc for this For example a matlab fucntion to cube is given
function y = fcn(u)
y = u^3;
this u....u1..un..... is your arguments and y1...yn are return this you can create any complex function using this block.

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