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PIL simulation fails with OMAP-L137 target board

3 views (last 30 days)
I am attempting to run a PIL mode simulation with r2013a using a Spectrum Digital OMAP-L137 target board. I am using Code Composer v3.3. When I try to run the model in PIL mode it builds OK through CCS but fails at the point of downloading to the target. I get a dialog box displayed which simply says "Caused by: Unspecified error". The connection method is TCP/IP. I have checked that there is no firewall active on the host PC.
What appears to happen is that Matlab instructs CCS to download the program to the target board and the download progress box is displayed. Almost immediately the error box is displayed from Matlab and this happens well before the program has completed downloading. I assume that Matlab should wait for the download to complete before then running the target program. If I start the program running manually from CCS then I get all the good messages about the EMAC starting and MAC addresses etc. Indeed I can even then ping the target board from the host PC which confirms that the connectivity is set up correctly. The target board and host PC are connected directly over Ethernet and DHCP is not used. IP addresses are fixed on the laptop and for the target.
I have run with dbstop if error and part of the output shows the following messages.
I am assuming this is simply something not setup correctly with the PIL configuration but I cannot see any obvious error.
### Starting application: slprj\idelink_ert\Atomic_Subsystem\pil\Atomic_Subsystem.out
Error using Link.ccs/Reset
Unspecified error
Error in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\idelink\foundation\+linkfoundation\+autointerface\@baselink\reset.p>ResetProcessor (line 41) Error in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\idelink\foundation\+linkfoundation\+autointerface\@baselink\reset.p>reset (line 32) Error in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\idelink\foundation\+linkfoundation\+pil\@Launcher\Launcher.p>Launcher.loadApplication (line 83) Error in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\idelink\foundation\+linkfoundation\+pil\@LauncherTCPIP\LauncherTCPIP.p>LauncherTCPIP.loadApplication (line 32) Error in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\idelink\foundation\+linkfoundation\+pil\@Launcher\Launcher.p>Launcher.startApplication (line 39) Error in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\rtw\rtw\+rtw\+pil\@SILPILInterface\SILPILInterface.p>SILPILInterface.startApplication (line 1646) Error in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\toolbox\rtw\rtw\+rtw\+pil\@SILPILInterface\SILPILInterface.p>SILPILInterface.sfunctionPILStartHook (line 1078) K>> dbcont

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