Work with Unfinalized and Unsorted MDF Files
This example shows how to work with unfinalized and unsorted MDF files. The unfinalized MDF file used in this example, MDFUnfinalized.MF4
, was recorded by a CANedge2 CAN bus data logger from CSS Electronics.
Introduction to Unfinalized and Unsorted MDF Files
Sometimes an MDF file creator tool can experience a premature termination caused by an unexpected power-down or an application error. In such cases, the MDF file might be left in an unfinalized state, possibly violating certain format rules of the ASAM MDF standard or causing data loss during read operations.
In general, a data group can be either sorted or unsorted. Some recording tools write unsorted MDF files without sorting them after the recording completes. A sorted data group cannot contain more than one channel group, while an unsorted data group may contain several channel groups. If all data groups in an MDF file are sorted, the MDF file is sorted; if at least one data group is unsorted, the entire MDF file is unsorted.
An unfinalized MDF file can be either sorted or unsorted. Conversely, an unsorted MDF file can be either finalized or unfinalized.
Use Unfinalized MDF Files in MATLAB
Because unfinalized files can contain format issues and lead to unreliable operations, an error is thrown when attempting to access metadata of an unfinalized MDF file using the mdfInfo
try info = mdfInfo("MDFUnfinalized.MF4") catch ME disp(ME.message) end
Cannot perform operation on unfinalized file. Use mdfFinalize to create a finalized file.
You can finalize an unfinalized MDF file using the function mdfFinalize
. If the MDF file is both unfinalized and unsorted, mdfFinalize
also attempts to sort the file as part of the finalization process.
Use Finalized but Unsorted MDF Files in MATLAB
If an MDF file is finalized but unsorted, you can access the file metadata using the mdfInfo
function, but an error might occur if you try to read data from the unsorted file using the mdfRead
You can sort a finalized but unsorted MDF file using function mdfSort
. If the unsorted MDF file is also unfinalized, using mdfSort
on the file causes an error. Instead, use mdfFinalize
to finalize and sort the file at the same time.
This example continues to demonstrate the use of mdfFinalize
with unfinalized MDF files. However, you can follow a similar workflow to use the mdfSort
function on finalized but unsorted MDF files.
Finalize an MDF File In-Place
The mdfFinalize
function allows you to finalize an unfinalized MDF file in place by overwriting the source file with a finalized copy.
For demonstration purposes, make a copy of the original file using copyfile
, and use the extra copy MDFFinalizedInPlace.MF4
in the subsequent finalization operation.
copyfile("MDFUnfinalized.MF4", "MDFFinalizedInPlace.MF4")
Use mdfFinalize
with only the source file name MDFFinalizedInPlace.MF4
specified to create a finalized copy that overwrites itself. The function returns the full path of the finalized file.
finalizedPath1 = mdfFinalize("MDFFinalizedInPlace.MF4")
finalizedPath1 = "/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_3437682/tpbbf2b61b/vnt-ex16754708/MDFFinalizedInPlace.MF4"
is now finalized and can be accessed using the mdfInfo
function. You can specify the full path returned by mdfFinalize
. Alternatively, specify the file name if it is located on MATLAB® path.
info1 = mdfInfo(finalizedPath1)
info1 = MDFInfo with properties: File Details Name: "MDFFinalizedInPlace.MF4" Path: "/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_3437682/tpbbf2b61b/vnt-ex16754708/MDFFinalizedInPlace.MF4" Author: "" Department: "" Project: "" Subject: "" Comment: "" Version: "4.11" InitialTimestamp: 2021-04-12 10:06:43.000000000 Creator Details ProgramIdentifier: "CE " CreatorVendorName: "" CreatorToolName: "CE" CreatorToolVersion: "01.04.01" CreatorUserName: "" CreatorComment: "Creation and logging of data." File Contents Attachment: [0x7 table] ChannelGroupCount: 8 Event: [0x8 eventtable]
Get information about all the channel groups in the finalized file using the mdfChannelGroupInfo
function. Inspect the Sorted
value of each channel group. Note that all channel groups are sorted now.
chanGrpInfo1 = mdfChannelGroupInfo(finalizedPath1)
chanGrpInfo1=8×13 table
GroupNumber AcquisitionName Comment NumSamples DataSize Sorted SourceName SourcePath SourceComment SourceType SourceBusType SourceBusChannelNumber SourceSimulated
___________ _____________________ ___________ __________ ________ ______ __________ __________ _____________ __________ _____________ ______________________ _______________
1 LIN_TransmissionError <undefined> 0 0 true LIN LIN LIN Bus LIN 0 false
2 LIN_SyncError <undefined> 0 0 true LIN LIN LIN Bus LIN 0 false
3 LIN_TransmissionError <undefined> 0 0 true LIN LIN LIN Bus LIN 0 false
4 LIN_Frame <undefined> 0 0 true LIN LIN LIN Bus LIN 0 false
5 LIN_ChecksumError <undefined> 0 0 true LIN LIN LIN Bus LIN 0 false
6 CAN_RemoteFrame <undefined> 0 0 true CAN CAN CAN Bus CAN 0 false
7 CAN_ErrorFrame <undefined> 0 0 true CAN CAN CAN Bus CAN 0 false
8 CAN_DataFrame <undefined> 118037 2596814 true CAN CAN CAN Bus CAN 0 false
When the MDF file is finalized and sorted, you can proceed to use all MDF functionaly, such as extracting data using the mdfRead
Finalize an MDF File Out-of-Place
The mdfFinalize
function also allows you to finalize an unfinalized MDF file out-of-place by creating a separate finalized copy. Call the function specifying both the source file name and a destination file name.
finalizedPath2 = mdfFinalize("MDFUnfinalized.MF4", "MDFFinalizedOutOfPlace.MF4")
finalizedPath2 = "/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_3437682/tpbbf2b61b/vnt-ex16754708/MDFFinalizedOutOfPlace.MF4"
is a newly created finalized copy and can be accessed using the mdfInfo
info2 = mdfInfo(finalizedPath2)
info2 = MDFInfo with properties: File Details Name: "MDFFinalizedOutOfPlace.MF4" Path: "/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_3437682/tpbbf2b61b/vnt-ex16754708/MDFFinalizedOutOfPlace.MF4" Author: "" Department: "" Project: "" Subject: "" Comment: "" Version: "4.11" InitialTimestamp: 2021-04-12 10:06:43.000000000 Creator Details ProgramIdentifier: "CE " CreatorVendorName: "" CreatorToolName: "CE" CreatorToolVersion: "01.04.01" CreatorUserName: "" CreatorComment: "Creation and logging of data." File Contents Attachment: [0x7 table] ChannelGroupCount: 8 Event: [0x8 eventtable]
Get information about all the channel groups in the finalized file using the mdfChannelGroupInfo
function. Inspect the Sorted
value of each channel group. Note that all channel groups are sorted now.
chanGrpInfo2 = mdfChannelGroupInfo(finalizedPath2)
chanGrpInfo2=8×13 table
GroupNumber AcquisitionName Comment NumSamples DataSize Sorted SourceName SourcePath SourceComment SourceType SourceBusType SourceBusChannelNumber SourceSimulated
___________ _____________________ ___________ __________ ________ ______ __________ __________ _____________ __________ _____________ ______________________ _______________
1 LIN_TransmissionError <undefined> 0 0 true LIN LIN LIN Bus LIN 0 false
2 LIN_SyncError <undefined> 0 0 true LIN LIN LIN Bus LIN 0 false
3 LIN_TransmissionError <undefined> 0 0 true LIN LIN LIN Bus LIN 0 false
4 LIN_Frame <undefined> 0 0 true LIN LIN LIN Bus LIN 0 false
5 LIN_ChecksumError <undefined> 0 0 true LIN LIN LIN Bus LIN 0 false
6 CAN_RemoteFrame <undefined> 0 0 true CAN CAN CAN Bus CAN 0 false
7 CAN_ErrorFrame <undefined> 0 0 true CAN CAN CAN Bus CAN 0 false
8 CAN_DataFrame <undefined> 118037 2596814 true CAN CAN CAN Bus CAN 0 false
When the MDF file is finalized and sorted, you can proceed to use all MDF functionality, such as extracting data using the mdfRead
Delete Created MDF Files
Delete the MDF files created in this example to clean up the working directory.
delete MDFFinalizedInPlace.MF4 MDFFinalizedOutOfPlace.MF4
Similar to mdfFinalize
, the mdfSort
function supports sorting operations both in-place and out-of-place. You can apply the same workflow to sort unsorted MDF files.
To summarize:
If an MDF file is finalized and sorted, its file information can be accessed using
and its data can be read usingmdfRead
.If an MDF file is finalized and unsorted, its file information can be accessed but its data cannot be read. Use
to sort the file.If an MDF file is unfinalized, neither its file information nor its data can be accessed. Use
to finalize the file.