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View Signal Information in a CAN Message

You can get signal definition information on a specific signal or all signals in a CAN message with database definitions attached. Provide the message name or the ID as a parameter in the command:

sigInfo = signalInfo(db, 'EngineMsg')

You can also get information about a specific signal by providing the signal name:

sigInfo = signalInfo(db, 'EngineMsg', 'EngineRPM')

To learn how to use this property and work with the database, see the signalInfo function.

You can also access the Signals property of the message to view physical signal information. When you create physical signals using database information, you can directly write to and read from these signals to pack or unpack data from the message. When you write directly to the signal name, the value is translated, scaled, and packed into the message data.

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