System Composer Report Generation for System Architectures
This example shows the different parts of a report generation script for a System Composer™ architecture model and its artifacts.
Import the relevant namespaces.
import* import* import slreportgen.finder.* import mlreportgen.dom.* import mlreportgen.utils.* import systemcomposer.query.* import systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.*
Initialize the report.
rpt ='OutputPath','SystemModel'+".pdf",... 'CompileModelBeforeReporting',false); % for html: rpt ='Type','html-file',... % 'OutputPath','SystemModel','CompileModelBeforeReporting',false);
Load the model and reference model.
systemcomposer.loadModel('mTest'); model = systemcomposer.loadModel("mTestModel");
Append the title page and the table of contents.
add(rpt,TitlePage("Title",sprintf('%s',model.Name))); add(rpt,TableOfContents);
Add sections and paragraphs to add textual information to the report.
Introduction = Chapter("Title","Introduction"); sec1_1 = Section('Title',"Purpose"); p1 = Paragraph(['This document provides a comprehensive architectural ...' ... 'overview of the system using a number of different architecture views...' ... ' to depict different aspects of the system. It is intended to capture...' ... ' and convey the significant architectural decisions which have been...' ... ' made for the system.']); append(sec1_1, p1); sec1_2 = Section("Scope"); p2 = Paragraph(['This System Architecture Description provides an architectural...' ... ' overview of the Mobile Robot System being designed and developed by the...' ... ' Acme Corporation. The document was generated directly from the Mobile...' ... ' Robot models implemented in MATLAB, Simulink and System Composer.']); append(sec1_2, p2); append(Introduction, sec1_1); append(Introduction, sec1_2);
Architectural Elements
Create a new chapter to represent architectural elements.
ArchitecturalElements = Chapter("Architecture Description");
Use the Simulink® slreportgen.finder.SystemDiagramFinder
(Simulink Report Generator) finder to add a snapshot of the model to the report.
systemContext = Section(model.Name); finder = SystemDiagramFinder(model.Name); finder.SearchDepth = 0; results = find(finder); append(systemContext,results); append(ArchitecturalElements,systemContext);
Use the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.ComponentFinder
finder to report on components in the model.
cf = ComponentFinder(model.Name); cf.Query = AnyComponent(); comp_finder = find(cf); for comp = comp_finder componentSection = Section("Title",comp.Name);
Create a list of components allocated from or to a particular component using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.AllocationListFinder
d = AllocationListFinder("AllocationSet.mldatx"); compObject = lookup(model,'UUID',comp.Object); d.ComponentName = getfullname(compObject.SimulinkHandle); result = find(d); append(componentSection,comp);
Append the component information to the report.
Append the allocation information to the report.
append(systemContext, result);
Allocation Sets
Create a chapter to report on the allocation sets associated with the model.
Find all allocation sets using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.AllocationSetFinder
allocation_finder = AllocationSetFinder("AllocationSet.mldatx"); AllocationChapter = Chapter("Allocations"); while hasNext(allocation_finder) alloc = next(allocation_finder); allocationName = Section(alloc.Name); append(allocationName, alloc); append(AllocationChapter, allocationName); end
Architecture Views
Create a chapter to display information about the architecture views in the model.
Find all the views using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.ViewFinder
ViewChapter = Chapter("Architecture Views"); view_finder = ViewFinder(model.Name); while(hasNext(view_finder)) v = next(view_finder); viewName = Section('Title',v.Name); append(viewName, v); append(ViewChapter, viewName); end
Dependency Graph
Create a chapter to display the dependency graph image using the
Packaging = Chapter("Packaging"); packaging = Section('Title','Packaging'); graph ="Source",[model.Name '.slx']); append(packaging, graph); append(Packaging, packaging);
Requirements Analysis
Report on all the requirement sets and requirement link sets associated with the model.
ReqChapter = Chapter("Requirements Analysis");
Requirement Sets
Collect the requirement sets using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.RequirementSetFinder
RequirementSetSection = Section("Requirement Sets"); reqFinder1 = RequirementSetFinder("TestRequirement.slreqx"); result = find(reqFinder1); pp = Paragraph("This requirement set describes the system requirements for the" + ... " mobile robot that are derived from the stakeholder needs to be documented."); append(RequirementSetSection,pp); append(RequirementSetSection,result.getReporter);
Requirement Link Sets
Collect the requirement link sets using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.RequirementLinkFinder
RequirementLinkSection = Section("Requirement Link Sets"); reqLinkFinder = RequirementLinkFinder("TestRequirement.slmx"); resultL = find(reqLinkFinder); rptr ="Source",resultL); append(RequirementLinkSection,rptr); append(ReqChapter,RequirementSetSection); append(ReqChapter,RequirementLinkSection);
Create a chapter to report on all the interfaces in the model.
Check if any dictionaries are linked within the model using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.DictionaryFinder
df = DictionaryFinder(model.Name); dictionary = find(df);
No Dictionaries present in the Model
boolHasNoDictionary = isempty(dictionary)
boolHasNoDictionary = logical
Since boolHasNoDictionary
is true
, create a separate chapter for interfaces to report on all the interfaces associated with the model using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.InterfaceFinder
if boolHasNoDictionary InterfaceChapter = Chapter("Interfaces Appendix"); interfaceFinder = InterfaceFinder(model.Name); interfaceFinder.SearchIn = "Model"; while hasNext(interfaceFinder) intf = next(interfaceFinder); interfaceName = Section(intf.InterfaceName); append(interfaceName,intf); append(InterfaceChapter,interfaceName); end end
Create a chapter to report on all the profiles in the model.
Find all the profiles using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.ProfileFinder
ProfileChapter = Chapter("Profiles Appendix"); pf = ProfileFinder("TestProfile.xml"); while hasNext(pf) intf = next(pf); profileName = Section(intf.Name); append(profileName,intf); append(ProfileChapter,profileName); end
Create a section to report on all the stereotypes in the profiles in the model.
Find all the stereotypes using the systemcomposer.rptgen.finder.StereotypeFinder
StereotypeSection = Section("Stereotypes"); sf = StereotypeFinder("TestProfile.xml"); while hasNext(sf) stf = next(sf); stereotypeName = Section(stf.Name); append(stereotypeName,stf); append(StereotypeSection,stereotypeName); end append(ProfileChapter, StereotypeSection);
Final Report
Add all the chapters to the report in the desired order.
append(rpt,Introduction); append(rpt,ArchitecturalElements); append(rpt,ViewChapter); append(rpt,Packaging); append(rpt,AllocationChapter); append(rpt,ReqChapter); append(rpt,InterfaceChapter); append(rpt,ProfileChapter); rptview(rpt)
See Also
Related Topics
- Compose Architectures Visually
- Create Custom Views Using Architecture Views Gallery
- Create and Manage Allocations Programmatically
- Allocate and Trace Requirements from Design to Verification
- Define Port Interfaces Between Components
- Extend System Composer Language Elements Using Profiles
- Describe System Behavior Using Sequence Diagrams
- System Composer Report Generation for Software Architectures