Repeated measures model object
A RepeatedMeasuresModel
object represents a model fitted to
data with multiple measurements per subject. The object comprises data, fitted
coefficients, covariance parameters, design matrix, error degrees of freedom, and
between- and within-subjects factor names for a repeated measures model. You can perform
an ANOVA on the data using the anova
function for between-subject factors or the ranova
function for within-subject factors.
Fit a repeated measures model and create a RepeatedMeasuresModel
object using fitrm
Object Functions
ranova | Analysis of variance for within-subject effects in a repeated measures model |
anova | Analysis of variance for between-subject effects in a repeated measures model |
mauchly | Mauchly’s test for sphericity |
epsilon | Epsilon adjustment for repeated measures anova |
multcompare | Multiple comparison of estimated marginal means |
manova | Multivariate analysis of variance |
coeftest | Linear hypothesis test on coefficients of repeated measures model |
grpstats | Compute descriptive statistics of repeated measures data by group |
margmean | Estimate marginal means |
plot | Plot data with optional grouping |
plotprofile | Plot expected marginal means with optional grouping |
predict | Compute predicted values given predictor values |
random | Generate new random response values given predictor values |
More About
Version History
Introduced in R2014a