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Supported Hardware and Required Software

Supported Hardware

Infineon AURIX™ TC4x - TriBoards

TC4x TriBoards

Supported Third-Party Tools

To run the SoC Blockset™ Support Package for Infineon® AURIX Microcontrollers, you will need the following third-party tools.

Third-Party ToolchainSupported VersionDescription

Infineon Low Level Driver (iLLD)

Follow the hardware setup window to download and install.

TASKING Smartcode


Follow the hardware setup window to download and install.

To find the Tasking Smartcode licence, copy & paste the following URL in your web browser and specify the requested details.

Green Hills® MULTI® Lets you compile and run the code.

Lauterbach (Trace32) debugger or PLS UDE Microcontroller debugger


To download the generated elf file on to your hardware board.


Synopsys® MetaWare for Infineon AURIX TC4x


Download dw_arc_metaware_aurix_tc4x

Synopsys VirtualizerQ-2020.06-SP2

To simulate the generated elf file.

Infineon DAS8.0.5To connect host computer to your hardware board for deployment of the generated code.

Virtual Prototyping

The SoC Blockset Support Package for Infineon AURIX Microcontrollers is verified in Synopsys Virtual Prototyping (VP) Virtualizer.

Virtual Prototyping (VP) provides an alternative platform that can simulate all the processing units, memories and peripherals available in Infineon AURIX TC4x MCU. You can build and test your model on virtual prototyping without the hardware using the Synopsys Virtual Prototyping (VP) Virtualizer.

For more information on installation and set-up procedures for the VDK for IFX TC49x VP product family, refer to chapter 3 in VDK for IFX TC49x VP Installation Guide.

MathWorks Products

The following MathWorks® products are required for using SoC Blockset Support Package for Infineon AURIX Microcontrollers.


  • Simulink®

  • SoC Blockset

  • Embedded Coder® (for code generation)

Recommended Products

  • Motor Control Blockset™

  • Fixed-Point Designer™