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Define Custom Document Interface for Direct Linking to Requirements

If you want to create a direct link to a requirement in a third-party application that Requirements Toolbox™ does not provide built-in support for, you can define a custom document interface. To define a custom document interface, you create a function that specifies the interface properties and callback functions to use when you create or navigate the direct link. For more information about direct linking, see Link Directly to Requirements in Third-Party Applications.


If you want to use Requirements Toolbox analysis tools such as implementation status, verification status, change tracking, and traceability matrices, you must import your third-party requirements. For more information, see Differences Between Importing and Direct Linking. If Requirements Toolbox does not provide built-in import support for your third party application, you can import the requirements from a ReqIF™ file, or you can define a custom document interface to import those requirements. For more information, see Define Custom Document Interface for Importing Requirements.

Define Custom Document Interface

To define and use a custom document interface for direct linking:

  1. Open the myCustomDocInterface.m file by executing this code at the MATLAB® command line:

    The docInterface variable represents the document interface object.
    function docInterface = myCustomDocInterface 
        docInterface = ReqMgr.LinkableType;

  2. Save a copy of myCustomDocInterface.m on the MATLAB path. In MATLAB, in the Editor tab, click Save > Save Copy As. Save the file with your desired name in your desired location.

  3. Define these properties for the document interface object:

    NameDescriptionValue TypesExample Value
    RegistrationRequirement document interface name, specified as a character vector. The value of this property must be the same as the document interface function name. You can use the mfilename function to specify the value.

    Character vector

    LabelLabel for the custom document type in the Outgoing Links Editor, specified as a character vector.

    Character vector

    'My Custom Document Interface'

    Indicator for the file-based requirement documents, specified as a logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). Set the value to 1 if your requirement document is file-based, or 0 if your requirement document is not file-based.

    Logical 1 (true) or 0 (false)

    ExtensionsAllowed file type extensions for file-based requirement documents, specified as a cell array of character vectors. Leave this property empty for requirement documents that are not file-based.Cell array of character vectors{'.ppt','.pptx'}

    Characters that specify the supported types of location identifiers in the requirement document, specified as a character array that is a combination of one or more of these characters:

    • ?: Used to search for text in the document

    • @: Used as a named item such as a requirement ID

    • #: Page number or item number

    • >: Item number or line number

    • $: Cell address in spreadsheet

    This property is optional.

    Character array containing one or more of these characters: ?, @, #, >, $'?@#'
    SelectionLinkLabelContext menu label for creating direct links to selection. This property is required if you define a callback for SelectionLinkFcn, otherwise it is optional.

    Character vector

    'Link to Selection in My Custom Document'

  4. Determine which callback functions your document interface object needs.

    CallbackSummaryRequired or Optional?Function Syntax and Description
    NavigateFcnFunction that navigates from the linked item in MATLAB or Simulink® to requirement in third-party applicationRequiredNavigateFcn(document,id) opens the requirement document specified by document to the requirement specified by id in the third-party application.
    ContentsFcnFunction that gets the table of contents of the requirement document or requirements collection in the third-party application. The function displays the table of contents in the Document Index tab of the Outgoing Links Editor.Optional[labels,depths,ids] = ContentsFcn(document) returns requirements information as cell arrays for the requirement document specified by document. labels contains one line requirement summaries, ids contains requirements identifiers, and depths contains the level of the requirement in the hierarchy.
    BrowseFcnFunction that executes when you click the Browse button in the Outgoing Links Editor. This function is not required for file-based requirements domains.
    • Optional for non-file-based requirement documents, but if you do not define this function you have to manually enter the name of the document in the Outgoing Links Editor.

    • Not needed if the IsFile property is set to 1.

    BrowseFcn opens the browser for requirement documents.
    SelectionLinkFcnFunction that enables creating direct link to selection from context menuOptional. If you define this function, you must define the SelectionLinkLabel property.

    linkTargetInfo = SelectionLinkFcn(callerObject,make2way) returns a structure with information about the current selected requirement in the external requirement document. The input callerObject is the MATLAB or Simulink object for which the SelectionLinkFcn function was called. The function gets the value of rmipref("BiDirectionalLinking") and uses it as the make2way argument. If make2way is true, the call instructs the callback function to insert a backlink to navigate from the current selected requirement in the external requirement document to the object specified by callerObject in MATLAB or Simulink. For compatibility with interfaces for linking to requirements in third-party application that were developed prior to R2017b, the fields for the linkTargetInfo structure must be:

    • doc

    • id

    • linked

    • description

    • keywords

    • reqsys

    Use the rmi("createempty") function to create the structure with the required fields, then fill in the values according to current selection in your custom document. Requirements Toolbox stores the value of the doc and id fields as the link destination and passes the values to the NavigateFcn callback function when you use the link to navigate from MATLAB or Simulink to the requirement in the external requirement document.

    DetailsFcnFunction that gets requirements content to include in requirements reports for specified requirementOptional. Not required for link creation and navigation.[depths,info] = DetailsFcn(document,location,level) returns related requirement contents for the location location from the requirement document document. The function gets the value of rmipref("ReportDocDetails") and uses it as the level argument to allow control for the amount of requirements content returned. For example, you may choose for this method to return only the label if level is 0, return the first lines when level is 1, and return the entire content when level is 2. The info output returns information about the requirement as a cell array. The depths output returns information about how to display the requirement information in the hierarchy.
    CreateURLFcnFunction that gets hyperlink to navigate to linked requirement in requirements reportsOptional. Not required for link creation and navigation.url = CreateURLFcn(document,documentURL,id) returns the URL for the requirement specified by the identifier id in the external requirement document specified by document or the document URL documentURL.
    UrlLabelFcnFunction that gets the hyperlink text for the requirement navigation URL in requirements reportsRequired if you define a callback for CreateURLFcnlabel = UrlLabelFcn(document,id) returns a label for the requirement specified by the identifier id in the external requirement document specified by document.
    IsValidDocFcnFunction that checks that the requirement document exists. Use this function for consistency checking.Optionaltf = IsValidDocFcn(document,~) returns true if the external requirement document specified by document exists and is valid for the document interface.
    IsValidIdFcnFunction that checks that the ID of the linked requirement exists in the requirement document. Use this function for consistency checking.Optionaltf = IsValidIdFcn(document,id) returns true if the requirement specified by the identifier id exists in the external requirement document specified by document.
    IsValidDescFcnFunction that checks that the stored Description property of the direct link matches the current content in the requirement document. Use this function for consistency checking.Optional[tf,newDesc] = IsValidDescFcn(document,id,currDesc) checks if the current value of the Description property of the linked requirement, currDesc, matches the text found at the location of the external requirement specified by id, in the external requirement document specified by document.
    BacklinkCheckFcnFunction that checks if backlink exists in external requirement document. For more information about backlinks, see Manage Navigation Backlinks in External Requirements Documents.Optional

    [linkExists,newLinkURL] = BacklinkCheckFcn(mwArtifactName,mwItemId,extDoc,extReq) checks whether the external requirement extReq in the external requirement document extDoc has a backlink to the linkable item in MATLAB or Simulink specified by mwItemId in the artifact mwArtifactName.

    • If the backlink exists, linkExists returns true and newLinkURL returns empty.

    • If the backlink does not exist, linkExists returns false and newLinkURL contains the URL to insert as a backlink.

    BacklinkInsertFcnFunction that inserts backlinks in external requirement document. For more information about backlinks, see Manage Navigation Backlinks in External Requirements Documents.Required if you define a callback function for BacklinkCheckFcn[navCmd,dispText] = BacklinkInsertFcn(extDoc,extReq,mwSourceArtifact,mwItemId,mwDomain) inserts a backlink from the external requirement specified by extReq in the external requirement document extDoc to the linkable item in MATLAB or Simulink specified by mwItemId in the artifact specified by mwSourceArtifact with the artifact document interface mwDomain. The function returns the navigation command that the backlink uses, navCmd, and the displayed hyperlink text for the backlink, dispText.
    BacklinksCleanupFcnFunction that checks for stale backlinks in external requirement document. For more information about backlinks, see Manage Navigation Backlinks in External Requirements Documents.Optional, but if this function is not defined, the Update Backlinks context menu option in the Requirements Editor cannot check for and delete stale backlinks
    • [countRemoved,countChecked] = BacklinksCleanupFcn(extDoc,mwSourceArtifact,mwLinksDataMap) checks the backlinks in the external requirement document extDoc that point to linkable items in the MATLAB or Simulink artifact mwSourceArtifact and deletes backlinks that do not have a corresponding forward link in the Requirements Toolbox link map specified by mwLinksDataMap.

    • [countRemoved,countChecked] = BacklinksCleanupFcn(extDoc,mwSourceArtifact,mwLinksDataMap,saveBeforeCleanup) saves the requirement document before deleting the backlinks.

    BacklinkDeleteFcnFunction that deletes backlinks in external requirement document. For more information about backlinks, see Manage Navigation Backlinks in External Requirements Documents.Optionalsuccess = BacklinkDeleteFcn(extDoc,extReq,mwSourceArtifact,mwItemId) deletes the backlink from the external requirement specified by extReq in the external requirement document extDoc that points to the linkable item in MATLAB or Simulink specified by mwItemId in the artifact specified by mwSourceArtifact.
    GetResultFcnFunction that gets test results for the verification status when you link to external test cases or test results. Use this function to verify requirements that have outgoing links with the Confirm link type.Optional

    result = GetResultFcn(link) returns the verification status result for the test case or test result that is linked to by link. The result output is a structure that contains these fields:

    • status (required): Verification status (Passed, Failed, Unexecuted)

    • timestamp (optional): Date and time of most recent verification status. Value must be a datetime object.

  5. Author the callback functions that your document interface needs as local functions in the main function. Comment out or delete callback functions that you do not need.

  6. The myCustomDocInterface.m assigns the callback function handles to the corresponding properties of the custom document interface object. If there are callback functions that you did not use or deleted, comment out or delete the lines that assign those callback function handles to the custom document interface object properties.

  7. Register the custom document interface by using the rmi function. Specify the custom document interface name as the second argument.

    rmi register myCustomDocInterface

You can unregister the custom document interface by using the rmi function.

rmi unregister myCustomDocInterface


For examples of document interface definitions, you can view the built-in document interface definitions in the fullfile(matlabroot,"toolbox","slrequirements","slrequirements","linktype_examples") directory:

  • linktype_rmi_doors.m

  • linktype_rmi_excel.m

  • linktype_rmi_html.m

  • linktype_rmi_text.m

Link to Requirements in an ABC File

This example shows how to define a custom document interface that enables direct linking to requirements in a text file with the extension .abc.

Define and Register the Custom Document Interface

The abcInterface function defines a custom document interface that enables linking to text files that have the extension .abc.

type abcInterface
function docInterface = abcInterface

% Define custom document interface
docInterface = ReqMgr.LinkableType;

% Define custom document interface properties
docInterface.Registration = mfilename;
docInterface.Label = 'ABC  file (for demonstration)';
docInterface.IsFile = 1;
docInterface.Extensions = {'.abc'};
docInterface.LocDelimiters = '>@';
% docInterface.Version = '';             % not required

% Assign custom document interface callback functions
docInterface.NavigateFcn = @NavigateFcn;
docInterface.ContentsFcn = @ContentsFcn;

%% Define callback functions
function NavigateFcn(filename,locationStr)
if ~isempty(locationStr)
        case '>'
            lineNum = str2num(locationStr(2:end));
            openFileToLine(filename, lineNum);
        case '@'
            openFileToLine(filename, 1);

function openFileToLine(fileName, lineNum)
if lineNum > 0
    if matlab.desktop.editor.isEditorAvailable
        matlab.desktop.editor.openAndGoToLine(fileName, lineNum);

function openFileToItem(fileName, itemName)
reqStr = ['Requirement:: "' itemName '"'];
lineNum = 0;
fid = fopen(fileName);
i   = 1;
while lineNum == 0
    lineStr = fgetl(fid);
    if ~isempty(strfind(lineStr, reqStr))
        lineNum = i;
    if ~ischar(lineStr), break, end;
    i = i + 1;
openFileToLine(fileName, lineNum);

function [labels, depths, locations] = ContentsFcn(filePath)
% Read the entire file into a variable
fid = fopen(filePath,'r');
contents = char(fread(fid)');

% Find all ok, reviewed by ngabriel 13a  the requirement items
fList1 = regexpi(contents,'\nRequirement:: "(.*?)"','tokens');

% Combine and sort the list
items = [fList1{:}]';
items = sort(items);
items = strcat('@',items);

if (~iscell(items) && length(items)>0)
    locations = {items};
    labels = {items};
    locations = [items];
    labels = [items];

depths = [];
%  Copyright 2024 The MathWorks, Inc.

Register the abcInterface by using the rmi function.

rmi register abcInterface

Link Requirements Directly to Simulink Blocks

The file contains requirements for the autopilot system of the aero_dap3dof Simulink® model.

Requirement:: "Altitude Climb Control"

Altitude climb control is entered whenever:
|Actual Altitude- Desired Altitude | > 1500 

Actual Altitude - feet
Desired Altitude - feet


When the autopilot is in altitude climb 
control mode, the controller maintains a 
constant user-selectable target climb rate.  

The user-selectable climb rate is always a 
positive number if the current altitude is 
above the target altitude.  The actual target 
climb rate is the negative of the user 

End of "Altitude Climb Control">

Requirement:: "Altitude Hold"

Altitude hold mode is entered whenever:
|Actual Altitude- Desired Altitude | < 
  30*Sample Period*(Pilot Climb Rate / 60) 

Actual Altitude - feet
Desired Altitude - feet
Sample Period - seconds
Pilot Climb Rate - feet/minute


The transition from climb mode to altitude 
hold is based on a threshold that is 
proportional to the Pilot Climb Rate.  

At higher climb rates the transition occurs 
sooner to prevent excessive overshoot. 

End of "Altitude Hold"

Requirement:: "Autopilot Disable"

Altitude hold control and altitude climb 
control are disabled when autopilot enable 
is false.


Both control modes of the autopilot 
can be disabled with a pilot setting.

ENd of "Autopilot Disable"

Requirement:: "Glide Slope Armed"

Glide Slope Control is armed when Glide 
Slope Enable and Glide Slope Signal 
are both true. 

Glide Slope Enable - Logical
Glide Slope Signal - Logical


ILS Glide Slope Control of altitude is only 
enabled when the pilot has enabled this mode 
and the Glide Slope Signal is true.  This indicates 
the Glide Slope broadcast signal has been 
validated by the on board receiver. 

End of "Glide Slope Armed"

Requirement:: "Glide Slope Coupled"

Glide Slope control becomes coupled when the control 
is armed and (Glide Slope Angle Error > 0) and 
 Distance < 10000 

Glide Slope Angle Error - Logical
Distance - feet


When the autopilot is in altitude climb control 
mode the controller maintains a constant user 
selectable target climb rate.  

The user-selectable climb rate is always a positive 
number if the current altitude is above the target 
altitude the actual target climb rate is the 
negative of the user setting. 

End of "Glide Slope Coupled"

Open the aero_dap3dof model.


Figure Apollo Lunar Module Descent Animation contains objects of type hgjavacomponent, uimenu, uipanel, uitoolbar.

Close the Apollo Lunar Module Descent Animation window. In the aero_dap3dof model, right-click the Reaction Jet Control subsystem and select Requirements > Open Outgoing Links dialog. The Outgoing Links Editor opens. Add a new requirement link by clicking New.

Set Document type to ABC file (for demonstration).

Next to Document, click Browse and select the file. Select the Document Index tab and double-click @Altitude Hold. Create the link by clicking OK. Verify that the link works as expected by right-clicking the Reaction Jet Control subsystem and selecting Requirements > 1. “Altitude Hold”.

Unregister the custom document interface.

rmi unregister abcInterface

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