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Calibrate Real-Time Application

Simulink® Real-Time™ supports interaction with third-party calibration tools such as Vector CANape® ( and ETAS® Inca ( Use these tools for:

  • Parameter display and tuning

  • Calibration data saving, restoring, and swapping by page

  • Signal value streaming

These tools run in XCP client mode. Simulink Real-Time emulates an electronic control unit (ECU) operating in XCP server mode. To enable a real-time application to work with the third-party software:

  • Configure the third-party software to communicate with the real-time application as an ECU.

  • Provide a standard TCP/IP physical layer between the MATLAB® development computer and Speedgoat® target computers. Simulink Real-Time supports third-party calibration software only through UDP protocol.

  • Generate a real-time application with signal and parameter attributes that are consistent with A2L (ASAP2) file generation. See Configure Model Data Elements for ASAP2 File Generation.

  • Build the model and use the Generate Calibration Files tool to generate model.a2l (ASAP2) file that the software can load into its database. The generated file contains signal and parameter access information for the real-time application and XCP-related sections and memory addresses. See Generate ASAP2 and CDF Calibration Files.


You cannot configure third-party software for calibration with only the A2L files that Simulink Coder™ generates. These files do not contain XCP-related sections and memory addresses. Simulink Real-Time adds this information during the generation of ASAP2 file.

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