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Simulink Compiler Limitations

Rapid Accelerator Mode

The rapid accelerator mode creates a Rapid Accelerator standalone executable from your model. This executable includes the solver and model methods, but it resides outside of MATLAB® and Simulink®. It uses external mode to communicate with Simulink. Successful rapid accelerator build is a prerequisite for generating a deployed executable.

Simulink Compiler™ uses rapid accelerator mode. Everything that is not supported by the rapid accelerator mode is also not supported by Simulink Compiler.

MATLAB and Simulink run in one process, and if a second processing core is available, the standalone executable runs there.


  • Rapid Accelerator mode does not support:

    • Algebraic loops.

    • Interpreted MATLAB Function blocks.

    • Noninlined MATLAB language or Fortran S-functions. You must write S-functions in C or inline them using the Target Language Compiler (TLC) or you can also use the MEX file.

    • Debugger or Profiler.

    • Run time objects for Simulink.RunTimeBlock and Simulink.BlockCompOutputPortData blocks.

  • Simulink.LookupTable class objects.

  • Model parameters must be one of these data types:

    • boolean

    • uint8 or int8

    • uint16 or int16

    • uint32 or int32

    • single or double

    • Fixed-point

    • Enumerated

  • You cannot pause a simulation in Rapid Accelerator mode.

  • In certain cases, changing block parameters can result in structural changes to your model that change the model checksum. An example of such a change is changing the number of delays in a DSP simulation. In these cases, you must regenerate the code for the model. See Code Regeneration in Accelerated Models for more information.

  • Signal logging is not supported with struct format.

  • For root inports, Rapid Accelerator mode supports only base as the Srcworkspace.

  • For root inports, when you specify the minimum and maximum values that the block should output, Rapid Accelerator mode does not recognize these limits during simulation.

  • In Rapid Accelerator mode, To File or To Workspace blocks inside function-call subsystems do not generate any logging files if the function-call port is connected to Ground or unconnected.

  • Simulink Compiler does not support the use of Scope block with a non-virtual bus.

  • Simulink Compiler does not support initialize, terminate, and reset blocks on referenced models.

    When you have a top_top_model that contains top_model, and the top_model has a ref_model that has IRT ports enabled, simulating top_top_model in rapid accelerator mode is not supported.

    When you have a top_model, and a ref_model that has IRT ports enabled, running the top_model in rapid accelerator mode is supported.

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