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Class: ModelAdvisor.Group
Namespace: ModelAdvisor

Set custom help for folders that have custom authored Model Advisor checks

Since R2022a


setHelp(groupObj,'Format',format, 'Path', customPath)


setHelp(groupObj,'Format',format, 'Path', customPath) sets custom help for folders that have custom authored Model Advisor checks.

Input Arguments

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Format of the help file, specified as pdf or webpage.

Example: setHelp(groupObj,'Format','webpage','Path','c:/customhelp/help.html');

Data Types: char

Path of the help file for the custom check group, specified as a character vector.

Example: setHelp(groupObj,'Format','pdf','Path','c:/customhelp/help.pdf');

Data Types: char


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Create a group object.

group_obj = ModelAdvisor.Group('mathworks.example.ExampleGroup');

Specify a PDF as the custom help for your custom check group.


Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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