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ESP32 board properties

Use the ESP32 board properties to select Arduino® compatible ESP32-WROOM or ESP32-WROVER boards.

To enable these properties, set Hardware board to ESP32-WROOM (Arduino Compatible) or ESP32-WROVER (Arduino Compatible).


Select a variant of the ESP32-WROOM or ESP32-WROVER board series based on the number of pins on your hardware board.


  • For Hardware board set to ESP32-WROOM (Arduino Compatible),

    Default: ESP32-WROOM-DevKitV1(30 pin)

    ESP32-WROOM-DevKitV1(36 pin)

    ESP32-WROOM-DevKitC(38 pin)

  • For Hardware board set to ESP32-WROVER (Arduino Compatible),

    Default: ESP32WROVERModuleBoard

Prompt boot button press and release on ESP32 board

Your ESP32 hardware board might require you to press the boot button before the hardware enters the flashing mode. Select this option to enable a prompt dialog box that indicates when you need to press and release the boot button. Use this option in the deployment and external mode (Monitor & Tune).

After you enable the option, the following message is displayed before your hardware board enters the flashing mode. You must press the boot button on your hardware and then click OK in the Build Complete dialog box.

Build complete ESP32 hardware board

Keep pressing the boot button and release it once this message is displayed. Ensure to press and release the reset button on your hardware and then click OK in the Download Complete dialog box.

Download complete ESP32 hardware board


To enable this option, set Hardware board to ESP32-WROOM (Arduino Compatible).

Create Custom board

Click this button to open a template file in an editor to add a custom ESP32 Arduino compatible hardware board to the support package. For more information, see Add Custom ESP32 Arduino Compatible Boards to Support Package.

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