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Model Configuration Parameters: Sample Time Diagnostics

The Diagnostics > Sample Time category includes parameters for detecting issues related to sample time and sample time specifications.


Source block specifies -1 sample time

Select the diagnostic action to take if a source block (such as a Sine Wave block) specifies a sample time of -1.

Multitask data transfer

Select the diagnostic action to take if an invalid rate transition occurred between two blocks operating in multitasking mode.

Single task data transfer

Select the diagnostic action to take if a rate transition occurred between two blocks operating in single-tasking mode.

Multitask conditionally executed subsystem

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink® software detects a subsystem that may cause data corruption or non-deterministic behavior.

Tasks with equal priority

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink software detects two tasks with equal priority that can preempt each other in the target system.

Exported tasks rate transition

Select the diagnostic action to take if Simulink software detects unspecified data transfers between exported tasks.

Enforce sample times specified by Signal Specification blocks

Select the diagnostic action to take if the sample time of the source port of a signal specified by a Signal Specification block differs from the signal's destination port.

Unspecified inheritability of sample time

Select the diagnostic action to take if this model contains S-functions that do not specify whether they preclude this model from inheriting their sample times from a parent model.

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