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Ideal Torque Sensor

Torque sensor in mechanical rotational systems

  • Ideal Torque Sensor block

Simscape / Foundation Library / Mechanical / Mechanical Sensors


The Ideal Torque Sensor block represents a device that converts a variable passing through the sensor into a control signal proportional to the torque. The sensor is ideal because it does not account for inertia, friction, delays, energy consumption, and so on.

Connections R and C are mechanical rotational conserving ports. Connect this sensor in series with the block where you want to measure the torque because torque is a Through variable (for the mechanical rotational domain). The sensor constrains ports R and C to allow no motion between them, therefore connecting the sensor in parallel may affect the simulation results because it is analogous to adding a bypass connection line between the connection points. A series connection within an existing line does not affect the simulation results and provides an accurate measurement.

Connection T is a physical signal port that outputs the measurement result. The block positive direction is from port R to port C. This means that positive torque applied to port R (the sensor positive probe) generates a positive output signal.



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Physical signal output port for torque.


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Mechanical rotational conserving port associated with the sensor positive probe.

Mechanical rotational conserving port associated with the sensor negative (reference) probe.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2007a

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