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NONMEM file definition object for sbionmimport


nmdefObj = sbionmfiledef
nmdefObj = sbionmfiledef('PropertyName', PropertyValue)


nmdefObj = sbionmfiledef creates an NONMEM® file definition object. The NONMEM file definition object contains properties for specifying the NONMEM data items such as group, time, and dependent variable. The NONMEM file definition object lets you configure the properties to the column heading or the index of the column. Use the NONMEM file definition object in conjunction with the sbionmimport function to import NONMEM formatted files for use in fitting.

nmdefObj = sbionmfiledef('PropertyName', PropertyValue) accepts one or more comma-separated property name/value pairs. Specify PropertyName inside single quotes. To see the default interpretations for NONMEM formatted files see Support for Importing NONMEM Formatted Files.

Input Arguments


If Filename extension is .xls or .xlsx it is assumed to be an Excel® file, otherwise it is assumed to be a text file. sbionmfiledef file reads the file using the dataset constructor.

Name-Value Arguments


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains the compartment. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header. During import the sbionmimport function uses the information in the column to interpret which compartment receives a dose or measured an observation. The EventIDLabel property specifies whether the value is a dose or an observation.

Default: ''


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains continuous covariates. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header.

Default: {}


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains the date. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header. During import the sbionmimport function uses the information in the column to interpret time information for each dose, response and covariate measurement.

Default: ''


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains observations. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header.

Default: ''


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains the dosing information. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header.

Default: ''


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains the time between doses. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header.

Default: ''


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains the number of times (excluding the initial dose) that the dose is repeated. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header.

Default: ''


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains the event identification specifying whether the value is a dose, observation, or covariate. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header.

Default: ''


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains the Group ID. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header.

Default: ''


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains information about whether a row contains an observation event (0), or not (1). Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header.

Default: ''


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains the rate of infusion. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header.

Default: ''


Identifies the column in the NONMEM formatted file that contains the time or date of observation. During import the sbionmimport function uses this information to interpret when a dose was given, an observation or covariate measurement recorded. Specify the header name as a character vector or specify the index number of the header.

Default: ''


Identifies the object as 'NMFileDef', (Read-only).

Output Arguments


Defines the meanings of the file column headings. It contains properties for specifying data items such as group, time and date. TimeLabel and DependentVariableLabel must be specified.


Configure a NONMEM file definition object and import data from a NONMEM formatted file.

 % Configure a NMFileDef object.
        def = sbionmfiledef;
        def.CompartmentLabel       = 'CPT';
        def.DoseLabel              = 'AMT';
        def.DoseIntervalLabel      = 'II';
        def.DoseRepeatLabel        = 'ADDL';
        def.GroupLabel             = 'ID';
        def.TimeLabel              = 'TIME';
        def.DependentVariableLabel = 'DV';
        def.EventIDLabel           = 'EVID';
        filename = 'C:\work\datafiles\dose.xls';
        ds = sbionmimport(filename, def);


Version History

Introduced in R2010a

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