Execute Code Based on ROS Time
Using a rosrate
allows you to control the rate of your code execution based on the ROS Time
topic or system time on your computer. By executing code at
constant intervals, you can accurately time and schedule tasks. These examples show
different applications for the rosrate
object including its uses with ROS
image messages and sending commands for robot control.
For other applications based on system time, consider the rateControl
(Navigation Toolbox)
Send Fixed-rate Control Commands To A Robot
This example shows to send regular commands to a robot at a fixed rate. It uses the Rate
object to execute a loop that publishes std_msgs/Twist
messages to the network at a regular interval.
Setup ROS network. Specify the IP address if your ROS network already exists.
Launching ROS Core... Done in 0.47101 seconds. Initializing ROS master on Initializing global node /matlab_global_node_56769 with NodeURI http://dcc194700glnxa64:37487/ and MasterURI http://localhost:52784.
Setup publisher and message to send Twist
[pub,msg] = rospublisher('/cmd_vel','geometry_msgs/Twist'); msg.Linear.X = 0.5; msg.Angular.Z = -0.5;
Create Rate
object with specified loop parameters.
desiredRate = 10;
rate = robotics.Rate(desiredRate);
rate.OverrunAction = 'drop'
rate = rateControl with properties: DesiredRate: 10 DesiredPeriod: 0.1000 OverrunAction: 'drop' TotalElapsedTime: 0.0715 LastPeriod: NaN
Run loop and hold each iteration using waitfor(rate)
. Send the Twist
message inside the loop. Reset the Rate
object before the loop to reset timing.
reset(rate) while rate.TotalElapsedTime < 10 send(pub,msg) waitfor(rate); end
View statistics of fixed-rate execution. Look at AveragePeriod
to verify the desired rate was maintained.
ans = struct with fields:
Periods: [0.1035 0.0966 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1001 0.1000 0.1001 0.0999 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 ... ] (1x100 double)
NumPeriods: 100
AveragePeriod: 0.1000
StandardDeviation: 0.0013
NumOverruns: 0
Shut down ROS network.
Shutting down global node /matlab_global_node_56769 with NodeURI http://dcc194700glnxa64:37487/ and MasterURI http://localhost:52784. Shutting down ROS master on
Fixed-rate Publishing of ROS Image Data
This example shows how to regularly publish and receive image messages using ROS and the rosrate
function. The rosrate
function creates a Rate
object to regularly access the /camera/rgb/image_raw
topic on the ROS network using a subscriber. The rgb image is converted to a grayscale using rgb2gray
and republished at a regular interval. Parameters such as the IP address and topic names vary with your robot and setup.
Connect to ROS network. Setup subscriber, publisher, and data message.
ipaddress = ''; % Replace with your network address rosinit(ipaddress)
Initializing global node /matlab_global_node_10650 with NodeURI
sub = rossubscriber('/camera/rgb/image_raw'); pub = rospublisher('/camera/gray/image_gray','sensor_msgs/Image'); msgGray = rosmessage('sensor_msgs/Image'); msgGray.Encoding = 'mono8';
Receive the first image message. Extract image and convert to a grayscale image. Display grayscale image and publish the message.
msgImg = receive(sub); img = readImage(msgImg); grayImg = rgb2gray(img); imshow(grayImg)
writeImage(msgGray,grayImg) send(pub,msgGray)
Create ROS Rate
object to execute at 10 Hz. Set a loop time and the OverrunAction
for handling
desiredRate = 10;
loopTime = 5;
overrunAction = 'slip';
rate = rosrate(desiredRate);
r.OverrunAction = overrunAction;
Begin loop to receive, process and send messages every 0.1 seconds (10 Hz). Reset the Rate
object before beginning.
reset(rate) for i = 1:desiredRate*loopTime msgImg = receive(sub); img = readImage(msgImg); grayImg = rgb2gray(img); writeImage(msgGray,grayImg) send(pub,msgGray) waitfor(rate); end
View the statistics for the code execution. AveragePeriod
and StandardDeviation
show how well the code maintained the desiredRate
. OverRuns
occur when data processing takes longer than the desired period length.
ans = struct with fields:
Periods: [1×50 double]
NumPeriods: 50
AveragePeriod: 0.1000
StandardDeviation: 0.0083
NumOverruns: 0
Shut down ROS node
Shutting down global node /matlab_global_node_10650 with NodeURI
See Also
(Navigation Toolbox) | rosrate
| waitfor