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Custom Instruction

Create custom ladder logic instruction

Since R2020a

  • Custom Instruction block



The Custom Instruction block implements user-defined instructions for a ladder diagram model. When the rung conditions are true, the block executes the specified custom logic. You can save these instructions in a user-defined library named plcuserlib.slx. You can also import, simulate, and export your ladder logic instructions by using your custom blocks saved in plcuserlib.slx library.



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The EnableIn port controls the execution of the block and also reflects the rung state preceding the block. If the rung state preceding the block is false, the EnableIn signal is set to false, the block does not execute the custom logic, and the outputs are not updated.

Input signal to the Custom Instruction block.

Data Types: int8 | int16 | int32 | single


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If the EnableIn input to the block is false, the custom logic implemented by the block is not executed and EnableOut signal is set to false. If EnableIn is true and the custom instruction executes, EnableOut signal is set to true.


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Inputs and Outputs

Name of the ladder logic instruction that you want to create. The Rockwell Automation® Studio 5000 IDE must support the ladder logic instruction name.

The number of input signals to the block that are required for your custom ladder logic instruction.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: NumInputs
Type: scalar
Value: scalar
Default: 1

Data Types: int8 | int16 | int32 | single

The data type of the input signal specified as a cell array. For multiple inputs signals, specify the data type as a comma-separated list of cell arrays for each signal. For example, if you have two input signals with the same data type, then specify the Input Types as {{'SINT','INT','DINT','REAL'},{'SINT','INT','DINT','REAL'}}.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: InputTypeList
Type: cell array
Value: cell array
Default: {{'SINT','INT','DINT','REAL'}}

Data Types: character vector

The number of output signals from the user-defined Custom Instruction block.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: NumOutputs
Type: scalar
Value: scalar
Default: 1

Data Types: int8 | int16 | int32 | single

The data type of the output signal specified as a cell array. If there is more than one output signal, specify the data type as a comma-separated list of cell arrays for each signal. For example, if you have two output signals with the same data type, then specify the Output Types as {{'SINT','INT','DINT','REAL'},{'SINT','INT','DINT','REAL'}}.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: OutputTypeList
Type: cell array
Value: cell array
Default: {{'SINT','INT','DINT','REAL'}}

Data Types: character vector

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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