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Coordinate and color limits for volume data


lims = volumebounds(X,Y,Z,V)
lims = volumebounds(X,Y,Z,U,V,W)
lims = volumebounds(V)
lims = volumebounds(U,V,W)


lims = volumebounds(X,Y,Z,V) returns the x, y, z, and color limits of the current axes for scalar volume data. lims is returned as a vector:

[xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax cmin cmax]

You can pass this vector to the axis command.

lims = volumebounds(X,Y,Z,U,V,W) returns the x, y, and z limits of the current axes for vector volume data. lims is returned as a vector:

[xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax]

lims = volumebounds(V) and lims = volumebounds(U,V,W) assumes X, Y, and Z are determined by the expression

[X Y Z] = meshgrid(1:n,1:m,1:p) 

where [m n p] = size(V).


collapse all

Use volumebounds to set the axes and color limits for an isosurface returned by the flow function.

[x,y,z,v] = flow;
p = patch(isosurface(x,y,z,v,-3));
daspect([1 1 1]);
shading interp

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type patch.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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