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Share MAT-File Applications

MATLAB® requires shared library files for building a MAT-file application. You must also distribute the run-time versions of these files along with any MAT-file application that you deploy to another system. These libraries are in the matlabroot/bin/arch folder.

Library File Names by Operating System


If you specify other run-time libraries in your build command, then these libraries must be present on the end-user’s computer. These library files must reside in the same folder as the libmx library. You can identify these libraries using the platform-specific commands shown in the following table.

Library Dependency Commands


See the following instructions for Dependency Walker

ldd -d libmat.sootool -L libmat.dylib

To find library dependencies on Windows systems, use the third-party product Dependency Walker. This free utility scans Windows modules and builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules. For each module found, it lists all the functions exported by that module, and which of those functions are called by other modules. See How do I determine which libraries my MEX-file or stand-alone application requires? for information on using the Dependency Walker.

Drag and drop the libmat.dll file into the Depends window. Identify the dependent libraries and add them to your IDE configuration.

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