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Read Spreadsheet Data into Array or Individual Variables

The best way to represent spreadsheet data in MATLAB® is in a table, which can store a mix of numeric and text data. However, sometimes you need to import spreadsheet data as a matrix, a cell array, or separate variables. Based on your data and the data type you need in the MATLAB® workspace, use one of these functions:

  • readmatrix — Import homogeneous numeric or text data as a matrix.

  • readcell — Import mixed numeric and text data as a cell array.

  • readvars — Import spreadsheet columns as separate variables.

Read Spreadsheet Data into Matrix

Import numeric data from basic_matrix.xls into a matrix.

M = readmatrix('basic_matrix.xls')
M = 5×4

     6     8     3     1
     5     4     7     3
     1     6     7    10
     4     2     8     2
     2     7     5     9

You can also select the data to import from the spreadsheet by specifying the Sheet and Range parameters. For example, specify the Sheet parameter as 'Sheet1' and the Range parameter as 'B1:D3'. The readmatrix function reads a 3-by-3 subset of the data, starting at the element in the first row and second column of the sheet named 'Sheet1'.

M = readmatrix('basic_matrix.xls','Sheet','Sheet1','Range','B1:D3')
M = 3×3

     8     3     1
     4     7     3
     6     7    10

Read Spreadsheet Data into Cell Array

Import the mixed tabular data from airlinesmall_subset.xlsx into a cell array.

C = readcell('airlinesmall_subset.xlsx');
whos C
  Name         Size              Bytes  Class    Attributes

  C         1339x29            4898586  cell               

You can also select the data to import from the spreadsheet by specifying the Sheet and Range parameters. For example, specify the Sheet parameter as '2007' and the Range parameter as 'G2:I11'. The readcell function imports ten rows of data for variables in columns 7, 8, and 9, from the worksheet named '2007'.

subC = readcell('airlinesmall_subset.xlsx','Sheet','2007','Range','G2:I11')
subC=10×3 cell array
    {[ 935]}    {[ 935]}    {'WN'}
    {[1041]}    {[1040]}    {'WN'}
    {[1430]}    {[1500]}    {'WN'}
    {[ 940]}    {[ 950]}    {'WN'}
    {[1515]}    {[1515]}    {'WN'}
    {[2042]}    {[2035]}    {'WN'}
    {[2116]}    {[2130]}    {'WN'}
    {[1604]}    {[1605]}    {'WN'}
    {[1258]}    {[1230]}    {'WN'}
    {[1134]}    {[1145]}    {'WN'}

Read Spreadsheet Data Columns as Separate Variables

Import the first three columns from airlinesmall_subset.xlsx as separate workspace variables.

[Year,Month,DayOfMonth] = readvars('airlinesmall_subset.xlsx');
whos  Year Month DayOfMonth
  Name               Size            Bytes  Class     Attributes

  DayOfMonth      1338x1             10704  double              
  Month           1338x1             10704  double              
  Year            1338x1             10704  double              

You can also select which subset to import from the spreadsheet by specifying the Sheet and Range parameters. For example, import ten rows of the column DayOfMonth from the worksheet named '2004'. Specify the column and number of rows using the Range parameter.

DayOfMonth = readvars('airlinesmall_subset.xlsx','Sheet','2004','Range','C2:C11')
DayOfMonth = 10×1


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