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mxIsInt16 (Fortran)

Determine whether mxArray represents data as signed 16-bit integers

Fortran Syntax

#include "fintrf.h"
integer*4 mxIsInt16(pm)
mwPointer pm


mxIsInt16 returns 1 if the specified array represents its real and imaginary data as 16-bit signed integers. Otherwise, it returns 0.

In C, calling mxIsInt16 is equivalent to calling:

mxGetClassID(pm) == mxINT16_CLASS

In Fortran, calling mxIsInt16 is equivalent to calling:

mxGetClassName(pm) == 'int16'

Input Arguments

expand all

Pointer to an mxArray array, specified as mwPointer.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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