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MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses

Learn MATLAB and Simulink at your own pace

Facilitate active learning with ready-to-use teaching content, including interactive courses, examples, labs, and apps, developed by MathWorks® and educators from leading universities. Resources are tailored to multiple disciplines, such as artificial intelligence, controls, and signal processing and communications. Learn more about MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses.

As an instructor, ensure skills are learned and ready to practice by monitoring your learners’ progress in a MATLAB® and Simulink® course through your MathWorks Account. If you are interested in LMS instructions, contact Support.

Integrate MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses with an LMS

LMS Administrators and Instructors: Add MATLAB and Simulink Online™ Courses to your learning management system (LMS) using LTI, and assign MathWorks content in LMS courses

Monitor Learner Progress

Track progress of your learners participating in MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses

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