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Display method for image acquisition objects




obj displays summary information for image acquisition object obj.

disp(obj) displays summary information for image acquisition object obj.

If obj is an array of image acquisition objects, disp outputs a table of summary information about the image acquisition objects in the array.

In addition to the syntax shown above, you can display summary information for obj by excluding the semicolon when:

  • Creating an image acquisition object, using the videoinput function

  • Configuring property values using the dot notation


This example illustrates the summary display of a video input object.

vid = videoinput('winvideo')

This example shows the summary information displayed for an array of video input objects.

vid2 = videoinput('winvideo');

[vid vid2]

   Video Input Object Array:

   Index:   Type:          Name:  
   1        videoinput     RGB555_128x96-winvideo-1
   2        videoinput     RGB555_128x96-winvideo-1

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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