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Tracking Scenario Player

Play tracking scenario and tracking scenario recording

Since R2023a


The Tracking Scenario Player app enables you to play a non-Earth-centered trackingScenario object or a non-Earth-centered trackingScenarioRecording object. You can use the app to run, pause, step forward, step back, go to start, or jump to a specific time stamp. Using the axes toolbar, you can also control the visibility of components in the scenario, such as ground plane, platform trajectory, and sensor coverage.

Tracking Scenario Player

Open the Tracking Scenario Player App


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Load a trackingScenario object and set the UpdateRate property to 0.

% Set the UpdateRate property of the scenario as 0 to avoid the player warning that
% the player determines the update rate based on trajectories and sensors.
scenario.UpdateRate = 0;

Play the tracking scenario.


An app opens and the scenario starts playing.

Load a trackingScenarioRecording object.


Play the first saved recording.


An app opens and the recording starts playing.


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The simulate toolstrip controls the play of the scenario simulation. It contains these buttons.

Go to start button

Click to go to the start of the simulation. This button is active when player is running or paused.

Step back button

Click to move the simulation back by one step. This button is active when the current time is not the start time.

Run button

Click to start running the simulation. This button is active when the simulation has not started.

Pause button

Click to pause the simulation. This button is active when the simulation is running.

Continue button

Click to continue running the simulation. This button is active when the simulation is paused.

Step forward button

Click to move the simulation forward by one step. This button is active when the simulation has not reached the end.

Use the axes toolbar buttons in the simulation figure to enable or disable various components in the display.

Other than the standard Pan, Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Restore View buttons, the toolbar also has these buttons.

Display trajectory

Click to enable or disable platform trajectories in the display.

Display ground

Click to enable or disable the ground plane in the display.

Display sensor coverage

Click to enable or disable sensor coverages and detections in the display.

Display axes orienation

Click to enable or disable axes orientation in the display.

Axes projection

Click to view projection options from a drop-down menu. You can select X-Y view, X-Z view, or Y-Z view.

The axes tool buttons also include the standard Pan, Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Home buttons.

Use the time scrubber to navigate to a specific timestamp by dragging scrubber to that timestamp or clicking on the timestamp on the time slider.

Time scrubber


No Support for Earth-Centered Scenario or Recording

You cannot play an Earth-centered tracking scenario or a recording of an Earth-centered scenario. A trackingScenario object is Earth-centered if its IsEarthCentered property is true. A trackingScenarioRecording object is Earth-centered if the recorded trackingScenario object is Earth-centered.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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