VEC Model Monte Carlo Forecasts
This example shows how to generate Monte Carlo forecasts from a VEC(q) model. The example compares the generated forecasts to the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) forecasts and forecasts from the VAR(q+1) model equivalent of the VEC(q) model.
Suppose that a VEC(2) model with the H1 Johansen form appropriately describes the dynamics of a 3D multivariate time series composed of the annual short, medium, and long term bond rates from 1954 through 1994. Suppose that the series have a cointegration rank of 2.
Load and Preprocess Data
Load the Data_Canada
data set. Extract the interest rate data, which occupy the third through last columns of the data.
load Data_Canada
Y = DataTable{:,3:end};
names = DataTable.Properties.VariableNames(3:end);
T = size(Y,1)
T = 41
numSeries = size(Y,2)
numSeries = 3
Plot the series in the same figure.
figure plot(dates,Y,'LineWidth',2) xlabel 'Year'; ylabel 'Percent'; legend(names,'Location','NW') title '{\bf Canadian Interest Rates, 1954-1994}'; axis tight grid on
Estimate VEC Model
Create a 3D VEC(2) model having a cointegration rank of 2.
numLags = 2; r = 2; Mdl = vecm(numSeries,r,numLags);
Estimate the VEC(2) model.
EstMdl = estimate(Mdl,Y);
By default, estimate
applies the H1 Johansen form and uses the first q + 1 = 3 observations as presample data.
Generate Monte Carlo Forecasts
Generate Monte Carlo forecasts from the estimated VEC model over a 10-year horizon by using simulate
. Provide the latest three rows of data to initialize the forecasts, and specify generating 1000 response paths.
numPaths = 1000; horizon = 10; Y0 = Y((end-2):end,:); rng(1); % For reproducibility YSimVEC = simulate(EstMdl,horizon,'NumPaths',numPaths,'Y0',Y0);
is a 10-by-3-by-1000 numeric array of simulated values of the response series. Rows correspond to periods in the forecast horizon, columns correspond to the series in Y
, and pages correspond to simulated paths
Estimate the means of the forecasts for each period and time series over all paths. Construct 95% percentile forecast intervals for each period and time series.
YMCVEC = mean(YSimVEC,3); YMCVECCI = quantile(YSimVEC,[0.025,0.975],3);
is a 10-by-3 numeric matrix containing the Monte Carlo forecasts for each period (row) and time series (column). YMCVECCI
is a 10-by-3-by-2 numeric array containing the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles (pages) of the draws for each period (row) and time series (column).
Plot the effective-sample observations, the mean forecasts, and the 95% percentile confidence intervals.
fDates = dates(end) + (0:horizon)'; figure; h1 = plot([dates; fDates(2:end)],[Y; YMCVEC],'LineWidth',2); h2 = gca; hold on h3 = plot(repmat(fDates,1,3),[Y(end,:,:); YMCVECCI(:,:,1)],'--',... 'LineWidth',2); h3(1).Color = h1(1).Color; h3(2).Color = h1(2).Color; h3(3).Color = h1(3).Color; h4 = plot(repmat(fDates,1,3),[Y(end,:,:); YMCVECCI(:,:,2)],'--',... 'LineWidth',2); h4(1).Color = h1(1).Color; h4(2).Color = h1(2).Color; h4(3).Color = h1(3).Color; patch([fDates(1) fDates(1) fDates(end) fDates(end)],... [h2.YLim(1) h2.YLim(2) h2.YLim(2) h2.YLim(1)],'b','FaceAlpha',0.1) xlabel('Year') ylabel('Percent') title('{\bf VEC Model Monte Carlo Forecasts}') axis tight grid on legend(h1,DataTable.Properties.VariableNames(3:end),'Location','Best');
Generate MMSE Forecasts
Estimate MMSE forecasts from the estimated VEC model over a 10-year horizon by using forecast
. Provide the latest three rows of data to initialize the forecasts. Return the forecasts and respective, multivariate mean squared errors.
[YMMSE,YMMSEMSE] = forecast(EstMdl,horizon,Y0);
is a 10-by-3 numeric matrix of MMSE forecasts. Rows correspond to periods in the forecast horizon and columns correspond to series in Y
is a 10-by-1 cell vector of 3-by-3 numeric matrices. The matrix in cell j is the estimated, multivariate MSE of the three forecasted values in period j. The diagonal values of the matrix are the forecast MSEs, and the off-diagonal values of the forecast covariances.
Estimate Wald-type 95% forecast intervals. Plot the MMSE forecasts and the forecast intervals.
YMMSECI = zeros(horizon,numSeries,2); % Preallocation YMMSEMSE = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)diag(x)',YMMSEMSE,'UniformOutput',false)); YMMSECI(:,:,1) = YMMSE - 1.96*sqrt(YMMSEMSE); YMMSECI(:,:,2) = YMMSE + 1.96*sqrt(YMMSEMSE); figure; h1 = plot([dates; fDates(2:end)],[Y; YMMSE],'LineWidth',2); h2 = gca; hold on h3 = plot(repmat(fDates,1,3),[Y(end,:,:); YMMSECI(:,:,1)],'--',... 'LineWidth',2); h3(1).Color = h1(1).Color; h3(2).Color = h1(2).Color; h3(3).Color = h1(3).Color; h4 = plot(repmat(fDates,1,3),[Y(end,:,:); YMMSECI(:,:,2)],'--',... 'LineWidth',2); h4(1).Color = h1(1).Color; h4(2).Color = h1(2).Color; h4(3).Color = h1(3).Color; patch([fDates(1) fDates(1) fDates(end) fDates(end)],... [h2.YLim(1) h2.YLim(2) h2.YLim(2) h2.YLim(1)],'b','FaceAlpha',0.1) xlabel('Year') ylabel('Percent') title('{\bf VEC Model MMSE Forecasts}') axis tight grid on legend(h1,DataTable.Properties.VariableNames(3:end),'Location','Best');
VAR(q + 1) Representation MMSE Forecasts
Represent the estimated VEC(2) as a VAR(3) model.
EstMdlVAR = varm(EstMdl)
EstMdlVAR = varm with properties: Description: "AR-Nonstationary 3-Dimensional VAR(3) Model" SeriesNames: "Y1" "Y2" "Y3" NumSeries: 3 P: 3 Constant: [-1.73631 -0.313676 0.0649337]' AR: {3×3 matrices} at lags [1 2 3] Trend: [3×1 vector of zeros] Beta: [3×0 matrix] Covariance: [3×3 matrix]
is a varm
model object.
Estimate MMSE forecasts from the VAR model over a 10-year horizon by using forecast
. Provide the latest three rows of data to initialize the forecasts. Return the forecasts and respective, multivariate mean squared errors.
[YMMSEVAR,YMMSEMSEVAR] = forecast(EstMdlVAR,horizon,Y0);
The dimensions of YMMSEVAR
are the same as YMMSE
, respectively.
Estimate Wald-type 95% forecast intervals. Plot the MMSE forecasts and the forecast intervals.
YMMSEVARCI = zeros(horizon,numSeries,2); YMMSEMSEVAR = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)diag(x)',YMMSEMSEVAR,'UniformOutput',false)); YMMSEVARCI(:,:,1) = YMMSE - 1.96*sqrt(YMMSEMSEVAR); YMMSEVARCI(:,:,2) = YMMSE + 1.96*sqrt(YMMSEMSEVAR); figure; h1 = plot([dates; fDates(2:end)],[Y; YMMSE],'LineWidth',2); h2 = gca; hold on h3 = plot(repmat(fDates,1,3),[Y(end,:,:); YMMSEVARCI(:,:,1)],'--',... 'LineWidth',2); h3(1).Color = h1(1).Color; h3(2).Color = h1(2).Color; h3(3).Color = h1(3).Color; h4 = plot(repmat(fDates,1,3),[Y(end,:,:); YMMSEVARCI(:,:,2)],'--',... 'LineWidth',2); h4(1).Color = h1(1).Color; h4(2).Color = h1(2).Color; h4(3).Color = h1(3).Color; patch([fDates(1) fDates(1) fDates(end) fDates(end)],... [h2.YLim(1) h2.YLim(2) h2.YLim(2) h2.YLim(1)],'b','FaceAlpha',0.1) xlabel('Year') ylabel('Percent') title('{\bf VAR Model MMSE Forecasts}') axis tight grid on legend(h1,DataTable.Properties.VariableNames(3:end),'Location','Best');
Confirm that the MMSE forecasts from the VEC and VAR models are the same.
ans = 3x3 logical array
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
The MMSE forecasts between the models are identical.