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(To be removed) Identify whether blocks in model are current, deprecated, or obsolete

The dsp_links function will be removed in a future release. There is no replacement.




dsp_links returns a structure with three elements that identify whether the DSP System Toolbox™ blocks in the current model are current, deprecated, or obsolete. Each element is one of the three block categories and contains a cell array of character vectors. Each character vector is the name of a library block in the current model.

dsp_links('modelname') returns the three-element structure for the specified model.


collapse all

Display block support information for the specified model, and then find the name of the first current block.

Load the model.


Run dsp_links on the model.

links = dsp_links(sys)

Find the name of the first current block.


More About

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Obsolete Blocks

Obsolete blocks are blocks that the toolbox no longer supports. In some cases, these blocks no longer function properly.

Deprecated Blocks

Deprecated blocks are blocks that the toolbox still supports but are likely to become obsolete in a future release. Refer to the block reference page for suggested replacements.

Current Blocks

Current blocks are blocks that the toolbox supports and that represent the latest block functionality.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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R2024b: dsp_links will be removed

The dsp_links function will be removed in a future release. There is no replacement.

See Also

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