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Bloomberg Desktop C++ Interface

Current market, real-time, intraday tick, historical, and security lookup data from Bloomberg® Desktop using the Bloomberg Desktop C++ interface

Create a Bloomberg Desktop connection using the Bloomberg Desktop C++ interface. After you establish the connection, retrieve current, real-time, intraday tick, historical, and security lookup data.


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bloombergBloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
closeClose Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
isconnectionDetermine Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
eqsEquity screening data for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
getProperties of Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
getbulkdataBulk data with header information for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
getdataCurrent data for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
historyHistorical data for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
portfolioCurrent portfolio data for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
realtimeReal-time data for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
tahistoryHistorical technical analysis for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
timeseriesIntraday tick data for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
categoryField category search for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
fieldinfoField information for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
fieldsearchField search for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)
lookupFind information about securities for Bloomberg Desktop connection V3 (Since R2021a)


Bloomberg Desktop Connection

Bloomberg Desktop Data Retrieval

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