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Determine if model is static or dynamic


B = isstatic(sys) returns a logical value of 1 (true) if the model sys is a static model, and a logical value of 0 (false) if sys has dynamics, such as states or delays. If sys is a model array, then B = 1 if all models in sys are static.

B = isstatic(sys,'elem') checks each model in the model array sys and returns a logical array of the same size as sys. The logical array indicates which models in sys are static.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Model or array to check, specified as an input-output model or model array. Input-output models include dynamic system models such as numeric LTI models and generalized models. Input-output models also include static models such as tunable parameters or generalized matrices.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Flag indicating whether input model is static, returned as a logical value or logical array.

Version History

Introduced in R2013a

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