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Display MATLAB Runtime Initialization Messages

You can display a console message for end users that informs them when MATLAB® Runtime initialization starts and completes.

To create these messages, use the -R option of the mcc command.

You have the following options:

  • Use the default startup message only (Initializing MATLAB runtime version x.xx)

  • Customize the startup or completion message with text of your choice. The default startup message will also display prior to displaying your customized startup message.

Some examples of different ways to invoke this option follow:

This command:Displays:
mcc -R -startmsgDefault startup message Initializing MATLAB Runtime version x.xx
mcc -R -startmsg,'user customized message'Default startup message Initializing MATLAB Runtime version x.xx and user customized message for startup
mcc -R -completemsg,'user customized message'Default startup message Initializing MATLAB Runtime version x.xx and user customized message for completion
mcc -R -startmsg,'user customized message' -R -completemsg,'user customized message" Default startup message Initializing MATLAB Runtime version x.xx and user customized message for both startup and completion by specifying -R before each option
mcc -R -startmsg,'user customized message',-completemsg,'user customized message'Default startup message Initializing MATLAB Runtime version x.xx and user customized message for both startup and completion by specifying -R only once

Best Practices

Keep the following in mind when using mcc -R:

  • When calling mcc in the MATLAB command window, place the comma inside the single quote.

    mcc -m hello.m -R '-startmsg,"Message_Without_Space"'
  • If your initialization message has a space in it, call mcc from the system command window or use !mcc from MATLAB.

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