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Stop or Restart an Executable Running on NVIDIA Hardware

You can use the MATLAB® Command Window to stop or restart binary executables that are running on the NVIDIA® hardware.

  1. Create a connection from the MATLAB software to the NVIDIA hardware. In this example, the connection is to a Jetson™ board and is named hwJetson.

    If a connection is already present in the MATLAB Workspace, skip this step.

    hwJetson = jetson('jetson-tx2-name','ubuntu','ubuntu');
    hwJetson = 
      jetson with properties:
           DeviceAddress: 'jetson-board-name'
                    Port: 22
               BoardName: 'NVIDIA Jetson TX2'
             CUDAVersion: '10.0'
            cuDNNVersion: '7.6'
         TensorRTVersion: '6.0'
              SDLVersion: '1.2'
             V4L2Version: '1.14.2-1'
        GStreamerVersion: '1.14.5'
           OpenCVVersion: '4.1.1'
                 GPUInfo: [1×1 struct]
              WebcamList: {'Microsoft® LifeCam Cinema(TM)'}

  2. To stop an executable running on the hardware, use the killApplication function and pass the hardware object followed by the name of the executable. The name of the executable is the same as the name of the entry-point for which the executable is generated. For example:


  3. To restart the stopped executable, or to run multiple instances of the executable, use the runApplication function. For example:

    ### Launching the executable on the target...
    Executable launched successfully with process ID 26432.
    Displaying the simple runtime log for the executable...

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