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Resolve polyspace-autosar Error: Conflicting Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs)


If multiple elements in an AUTOSAR description contain the same Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) or a single element contains multiple UUIDs, one of these errors can occur when creating a Polyspace® project from the AUTOSAR XML files:

  • Elements "/pkg/swc002/bhv/twosec" and "/pkg/swc002/bhv/step" in file $file{C:/AUTOSAR/arxml/mSwc002_component.arxml}{332} have the same UUID "5bdd54d5-50ae-4ad3-bdea-e0b0ab2bcab6". 
    Each of these elements should have its own unique UUID.
  • 'Element "/AUTOSAR" has both UUID "ECUS:6b411924-70da-40a5-85f5-65d5630ea0cb" and "ECUS:48ea040a-c40d-4ee0-ae61-8a6ccc9cb18d".
    You should specify only one UUID.

Possible Solutions

Investigate why multiple elements have the same UUID, or the same element has two different UUID-s. Fix the issue if possible.

If you do not own the AUTOSAR XML with the conflicting UUID-s or do not want to fix the issue because it represents work in progress, use the options -Eno-autosar-xmlReaderSameUuidForDifferentElements and -Eno-autosar-xmlReaderTooManyUuids. The analysis ignores the issue of conflicting UUID-s and continues with a warning. For conflicting UUID-s, the analysis stores the last element read.

The subsequent analyses continue to use the warning mode. To revert back to the error mode, use the option -Eautosar-xmlReaderSameUuidForDifferentElements and -Eautosar-xmlReaderTooManyUuids.

See Also

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