My Experience as a Non-Technical Intern

By Ally, Web Production Intern

By Ally, Web Production Intern
If someone told me three years ago that I would be interning in Marketing Services, I wouldn’t have believed them. I’ve always known that I was interested in programming and computers, but there was also a part of me that was drawn to the human and artistic aspects of technology. I am currently studying computer information systems with a minor in information design and corporate communication, which allows me to dig deeper into the human side of technology. This interest is what eventually led me to apply for the web production summer internship at MathWorks.
Since joining the company, I have seen the wide range of internships available at MathWorks, and the diverse ways in which interns work and live. Interns come from all over the country—some already live locally and others move to Natick for the opportunity. Internships are offered in spring, summer, and fall in a variety of departments across the company. I’ve met interns getting their Ph.D. in math and others getting their bachelor’s in advertising. Despite our diverse backgrounds and different departments, we still enjoy getting together to talk about our interests and day-to-day lives.
MathWorks requires employees to come in a few times a week, but I am one of the many interns who come in every day. As a Marketing intern, I get my own office and see other Marketing interns scattered around the floor. I get to enjoy the excellent (and free) food, a top-notch gym, seven flavors of water, and socializing with the other interns.
Typically, my day starts with eating breakfast with the other interns, getting a cup of coffee, and walking to my office. Once I set up my laptop and check my email, I start working on my tasks. One of my favorite aspects about this internship is getting to do real work. This has included fixing broken links on, documenting elements used on the MathWorks web site, creating a dashboard in Power BI, and even building this page.
During this time, I may ask questions or consult with my manager on what the next steps are if I found something new. I’ve never worked on a web site this big or complex, but everyone has been very understanding and happy to help answer any questions I have.
At lunch, I meet with the other interns again to discuss important topics like file organization or planning a trip to an alpaca farm. Unfortunately, I could not make it to the alpaca farm, but I heard it was a lot of fun.
After lunch, I go back to the office, finish my work, ask more questions, and join some meetings. These meetings are usually with other members of the Web Operations team, and while I don’t always have something to contribute, they help me understand what’s going on across the department and company.
Overall, my experience at MathWorks has been incredibly fortunate. Not only do I get hands-on experience working on a large, multilanguage web site, but I am also encouraged to explore my interests. For example, when I expressed my interest in data analytics, I was assigned a project to create a dashboard that tracks web site defects over time. Additionally, I was connected with employees who could guide me in understanding data analytics and its benefits for the company.
Even when I lacked technical knowledge, there were always people willing to help me. I’ve enjoyed working with the Web Operations and Creative Services teams, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work in an office environment where I can interact with passionate individuals and be encouraged to grow my interests and understanding of new topics.