CST Studio Suite
3D electromagnetic simulation software
- Statics and low frequency simulation
- High frequency time domain solver for performance and efficiency in complex structures
- High frequency domain solvers for highly resonant or periodic structures
- Specialized solvers for electrically large structures, charged particle application
- Various MCAD and ECAD file imports
CST Studio Suite® is a high-performance 3D EM analysis software package for designing, analyzing and optimizing electromagnetic (EM) components and systems. CST Studio Suite comprises CST Microwave Studio, CST Design Environment, CST Design Studio, CST EM Studio, and CST Particle Studio.
Electromagnetic field solvers for applications across the EM spectrum are contained within a single user interface in CST Studio Suite. The solvers can be coupled to perform hybrid simulations, allowing engineers to analyze whole systems of multiple components efficiently and straightforwardly. Co-design with other SIMULIA products allows EM simulation to be integrated into the design flow and drives the development process from the earliest stages.
CST Studio Suite provides a link between MATLAB® and the CST Studio Suite Python and VBA macro language. This interface allows CST Studio Suite users to take advantage of the extensive data manipulation, signal processing, and graphics capabilities in MATLAB. COM and ActiveX interfaces allow behind-the-scenes data transfer and tight integration between the two programs.

Dassault Systèmes Americas Corp.
175 Wyman Street
Waltham, MA 02451
Required Products
- Windows
- Consulting
- Fax
- On-site assistance
- Telephone
- Training
Product Type
- Modeling and Simulation Tools
- Control Systems
- Data Analysis and Statistics
- Finite Element and Structural Modeling
- Real-Time Systems
- System Modeling and Simulation
- Aerospace and Defense
- Computer Electronics
- Consumer Electronics
- Semiconductor