period segmentation of wrist pulse signal
See: Combining repetitive curves into one average curve for an example. This demonstrates how to segment them and also how to c...

23 days ago | 0

I am receiving an Error using plot
Use the matlabFunction function, evaluate it with ‘t’ and then plot — m1 = 49/1000; m2 = 31/1000; l1 = 0.5; l2 = 0.5; M = ...

23 days ago | 0

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How to create a sound like this?
Firstt, look to see what their spectrograms reveal — uz = unzip('') for k = 1:numel(uz) fn = strrep(string...

25 days ago | 0

graph the function using ezplot() and plot()
Perhaps this — syms x y % 2y^2 = -3x^3+5x , -2.5≤x≤2.5. Eqn = 2*y^2 == -3*x^3+5*x % Add O...

25 days ago | 0

Using Fill between two curves semilog plot
If you are using flipud, you will need to vertically concatenate the vectors (that are presumably column vectors), so instead of...

25 days ago | 0

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Filtering a Single Column of One Table Based on Multiple Criteria from Another Table.
I’m not sure that I fully understand your problem, however the join function (or one of its friends innerjoin or outerjoin) may ...

27 days ago | 0

Too many input arguments
Plotting over ranges of ‘t’ and ‘u’ defines a surface, so create vectors for both of them, and use either ndgrid or meshgrid (th...

27 days ago | 0

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Edit window does not open in Ubuntu 24.04.2
There seem to be problems with the latest updates to 24.04 with respect to MATLAB. Yours is the third post I have seen on 24.04...

28 days ago | 0

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Suitable function(s) to be used for plotting the graph
Instead of using: plot(t,zz,'o-'), grid use: fplot(zz, [min(t) max(t)],'o-'), grid since ‘zz’ is a symbolic expression and...

28 days ago | 0

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Iam getting the following ERRO: Array indices must be positive integers or logical values on the following code.
You need to create the ‘q’ functions as Anonymous Functions and then call them as functions of ‘t’ in the plot calls. Try thi...

29 days ago | 0

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IFFT of frequency dataset
‘(not starting at 0)’ That’s probably the problem. Essentially your data are then a sort of rectangular-window-bandpass-fil...

29 days ago | 0

Plotting around zero deg. Angle
Aside from not having any image to work with, I am not certain what you want. First use plot to see what the problem may be. ...

30 days ago | 0

MATLAB R2023b gui in ubuntu 24 is not opening files after launch. Displaying some errors and shutdown
According to MATLAB and Simulink Requirements 24.04 is supported. It would be best for you to Contact Support for installatio...

30 days ago | 0

Problems at start in ubuntu 24.04.2
According to MATLAB and Simulink Requirements 24.04 is supported. It would be best for you to Contact Support for installatio...

30 days ago | 0

xlabel and ylabel errors
This is instructive: when I run it brings the following error Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not ex...

30 days ago | 0

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Sending Multiple Data to Excel from MATLAB?
If you have R2013b or later, collect the data you want in a table, configure the table the way you want it, and then use the wri...

1 month ago | 0

How to code an equation with that integrates a vector.
Siince ‘u’ is also a vector — u = @(t) [sinh(t); cosh(t); tanh(t)] int_u = integral(u, 0, 1, ArrayValued=true) A = rand B =...

1 month ago | 0

update guess in fsolve
I am not certain what you are actually asking. If possible (if an equation can be plotted), I usually begin by plotting iit t...

1 month ago | 1

I can't run wavedec2() - 'unrecognized function or variable'
You may be having path probleems. Run these: restoredefaultpath rehash toolboxcache from a script or your Command Windo...

1 month ago | 0

time series fitting to statistical moments
‘where a and sigma are unknown parameters’ Beyond that, I am clueless as to any appropriate way to do this parameter estimation...

1 month ago | 0

Distinguish the different curves and identify the points corresponding to each way
Another approach, using the stackedplot (introduced in R2018b) function — T1 = array2table(10*(rand(100,5)+(4:-1:0)), Variable...

1 month ago | 1

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Why i get error message when trying using lowpass?
Since it seems to be installed, you may be having path problems. Run these from a script or your Command Window: restoredef...

1 month ago | 0

Can I set a datetime locale for readtable in a script?
Note that "dd/MM/yyyy :hh:mm:ss" uses 12-hour format (using hh for the hours) without the AM/PM indicator. To use 24-hour forma...

1 month ago | 0

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Image Processing Toolbox not found despite being installed
Run these from a script or your Command Wiindow: restoredefaultpath rehash toolboxcache If that still does not solve tthe p...

1 month ago | 0

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3d lines plot
Peerhaps something like this — t = linspace(0, 1).'; x = sin(2*pi*t); y = cos(2*pi*t); z = x+y; figure plot3(x, y, z) ...

1 month ago | 0

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Potential flow past an airfoil
Check the File Exchange. When I did and searched on ‘airfoil’, I found: Plot Pressure Distribution (Cp) Over an Airfoil / Aer...

1 month ago | 0

Forcing robustfit to return an intercept
Note that ‘Y’ is single precision. MATLAB defaults to the lowest precision, so casting it as double produces a non-zero interce...

1 month ago | 0

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How can I extract specific weather data from a 3D grid?
Without even representative data, I’m not certain even how to simulate this. I would use the scatteredInterpolant function fi...

1 month ago | 1

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ODE time vector plot does not correspond to the time vector values
We don’t have your ‘ode_arm’ function, however it may be that ode23 is encountering a singularity () at about 0.9 time units, an...

1 month ago | 0

Alternative to ginput for finding curve intersections with unevenly spaced data in MATLAB
Another approach — x = [linspace(0, 2.4) linspace(5.2, 7, 8)].'*1E-3; y1 = [x(x<=2.4E-3)*580/2.4E-3; 500*ones(size(x(x>2.5E...

1 month ago | 1

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