How can I speed up these for loops?
You're calling |interp2| 800 times with a single point each. Just moving that outside the loop should be able to speed things u...

7 years ago | 0

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Change default behavior of cellfun to 'UniformOuput' = false
I really wish this was an option too! I use cellfun all the time, and almost always with cell outputs required. This is one of...

7 years ago | 1

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Generating 50 Random locations inside geo map data
Do you want the points to be specifically located in the named land mass? Or anywhere on land within the designated map limits?...

7 years ago | 0

How can I take the cosine argument with regexp
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you're looking for, but does the following match the pattern you want? str = 'cos(-2/3*pi...

7 years ago | 0

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Trying to plot a point on m_map but it does not appear.
Like |plot|, the default marker for |m_plot| is none... good for plotting lines, but not single points. Add a marker and you sh...

7 years ago | 0

Mapping Toolbox: Eigenvector specifies Color of shape file
The easiest way to do this with complex polygons (multi-face polygons or polygons with holes, as is often the case with borders)...

7 years ago | 3

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How do I get a "tabular" legend?
You can hack your way to a solution with my <

7 years ago | 3

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Freqz plotting warning when use latex as default interpreter
The Latex interpreter assumes text is written in Latex text mode, and requires typical Latex markup ($ or $$) to switch the stri...

7 years ago | 2

Finding normals to contours on contour plot
Take a look at the various streamline functions ( |stream2|, |streamline|, etc). Depending on your surface, you may need to do ...

7 years ago | 4

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plot multiple time plots
What version of Matlab are you running? Zooming and panning with a time axis is much easier with datetimes than datenumbers, bu...

7 years ago | 0

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Merging Table with Duplicate Dates
The |accumarray| function is designed for this sort of problem: % Your data data = {... 736561 'USA' 2752 251 7...

7 years ago | 2

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Locate clumps of points in space

7 years ago | 3 downloads |


I'll confirm that I'm seeing the same thing when viewing the newsreader through the MatlabCentral viewer. I assume this is a pr...

7 years ago | 0

Setting a title for a legend
As a workaround, < ...

7 years ago | 6

Plotting image over map
You'll need to georeference the image. You might be able to do this automatically on import if the image already has that info ...

7 years ago | 1

How do I take average of specific portions of data with overlap?
First comment: don't store values in variables with numbered names like that. It just makes a mess, and that's why arrays were ...

7 years ago | 2

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MATLAB won't let me change the value of a string
Note that your initial code *doesn't* declare a 91x1 matrix of the word "base value", as you claim it does. TOTAL_VIEWPOINT...

7 years ago | 1

How do I plot value ranges in polar or spider
Given all your specifics, I think it would be much easier to just build the plot manually, rather than try to use any FEX entrie...

7 years ago | 3

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Remove duplicate locations and replace by a single one
If you simply want to isolate the points, perhaps my < findcl...

7 years ago | 0

Explicitly specifying line colors when plotting a matrix
An alternative method would be to save the handles of the plotted data and set the colors via the array option of |set|. I find...

7 years ago | 29

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2D Section of 3D coordinates
The |slice| function may be of use here.

7 years ago | 0

Access details of dynamically-created web content in Matlab's browser
Tech support pointed me to the answer to this one. In newer releases of Matlab, the HtmlText property of a web browser handle i...

7 years ago | 2

How to reproject the data in Matlab?
What sort of spatial distribution do your datasets have? Is it a grid, but not one sitting along straight parallels and meridia...

7 years ago | 1

While loop won't plot while remebering numbers
You're overwriting |b| each time though the loop, and not saving values to an array as you go along. So at the time of plotting...

7 years ago | 0

How to mask data points outside a border using geoshow?
You seem to have combined both of my suggested methods into one in this example. Are you trying to do the mask-with-NaNs option...

7 years ago | 2

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Custom ColorMap Question: Does it have to be written as a script??
An alternative solution would be to use |pcolor| instead of |image|, |imagesc|, etc, and set your zero-values to NaN. The |pcol...

7 years ago | 0

Plotting different colored marker points for 4 seperate data entries
In your code, you're plotting a single point at a time. Matlab's default behavior is to cycle through colors each time plot is ...

8 years ago | 0

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give name to node in dendrogramm
The answer will depend on whether you're showing all the leaves of the dendrogram or not. If yes, then the |'Labels'| input wil...

8 years ago | 0

How to fit a different scale to an existing plot
The axis values are set by the x and y values you use when plotting. Try just changing the y values: x = 1600:10:2500; ...

8 years ago | 0

problem with hierarchical clustering
You concatenated 20 6 x 6 matrices. This results in 120 rows in your matrix, hence 120 leaves in your dendrogram (assuming you ...

8 years ago | 0

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