Inserting Date Time into code
You need to read 20141018_1.txt into a timetable so you have the timestamps for each for of rainfall data. Every other line in t...

2 years ago | 0

Combining many variables into one table
In recent MATLAB version, there's Simulink.Simulation.Dataset called extractTimetable. Not sure if that's what you have, but it ...

2 years ago | 0

Use loop to Summarize the Data using MATLAB
Not sure what you are trying to do. Maybe you are trying to get all the Energy data into one array? It's not clerar from your qu...

2 years ago | 0

Use timetable as x axis in heatmap
Amir, according to your screenshots, you do NOT have a timetable. You have a table containg one datetime variable, and a separat...

2 years ago | 0

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How do I combine rows of a 2D cell array with 1D cell arrays of varying lengths?
Mixed data are what tables (or timetables) are for: >> SID = ["sid001";"sid002";"sid003";"sid004";"sid005"]; >> Status = categ...

2 years ago | 0

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Compare columns of different tables and extract value
This sounds like you need a join. Also, probably a timetable: >> data = readtimetable('Thess_20062100.csv'); >> data.Daily_Tap...

2 years ago | 0

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Storing values in a matrix
This will be MUCH easier using a timetable. It's a one-liner: >> tt = timetable(rand(100,1),'RowTimes',datetime(2022,3,9,1:100,...

2 years ago | 1

How to place values in a matrix with values from another matrix?
This is a one-liner with join. You have time, so use a timetable: >> year = datetime([2018;2019;2020;2021;2022],1,1); x = [13;1...

2 years ago | 0

How to search a specific row and a column from a csv file that are associated with the date that was selected?
It's a LOT easier using a timetable: >> x = (1:20)'; >> y = rand(size(x)); >> date = datetime(2022,1,repelem(1:4,5)'); >> tt...

2 years ago | 1

Extracting information from multiple tables within a cell to plot
Here's a version that uses grouped rowfun and varfun to do the heavy lifting: load matlab.mat table_heightsPR = cellfun(@heigh...

2 years ago | 0

How to acess data if its in cell form?
This looks susp[iciously like another post:

2 years ago | 0

Create table from array in a loop
In addition to what Stephen has said, this code (which as Stephen points out was unncessary) V835 = rawTable((rawTable.x > 830)...

2 years ago | 0

Help plotting a multivar table
There are many good reasons to put data into a table, but plot3 does not yet accept a table as input. This will make the plot: ...

2 years ago | 0

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turn table to contour
I'm not sure contour is the function you want to make the plot you showed. contourf, maybe? But maybe image instead. In any cas...

2 years ago | 0

Unable to find or open table data
Only in (I think) the most recent version of MATLAB will scatter(Tab,'Qgpm','hpft'); work.

2 years ago | 0

Creating time index in timetable
Autumn, "indexVal = 1x2088" is the problem. Tables are more general than data frames in Python, in that a variable in a table ma...

2 years ago | 0

Trouble with datetime formatting
Autumn, in addition to what others have said: 1) There's a preference (under Command Window) to set the default datetime locale...

2 years ago | 1

How do I insert errobar to a timeseries line, specifying the time length of the errorbars
Not clar what you mean by, "with the errorbars in each graph by year, season and month, respectively", but this may get you star...

2 years ago | 0

Converting dates in time series
Here's my solution: >> tt = timetable(rand(6,1),rand(6,1),'RowTimes',datetime(2007,2,27:32,12,0,0)) tt = 6×2 timetable ...

2 years ago | 0

Error when creating an empty Table
Reza, if that's really what you get in the command window, and you have not left anythng out, then you either have something els...

2 years ago | 0

Interpolate strings from an x y interval to a corresponding x y interval.
If you had timetables, ths would be a one-liner using synchronize. from and blocksFrom look suspiciously like time vectors. Time...

2 years ago | 1

i have a list of data and i have to select first 5th column of each row ..then simultaneously 6th column and 7th column
You almost certainly do not need cell arrays. You certainly don't need numeric matrices because most of your data is not numeric...

2 years ago | 0

I can't manage to stack plot 2 columns with the right graph size
Inigo, I don't know what you data look like or how you have them stored, but I strongly recommend that you look at using a timet...

2 years ago | 0

Locate indices of datetime from one table in another?
1) It looks like you must have use "day" as an input to groupsummary, which returns a categorical as the group values: >> tt = ...

2 years ago | 0

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Built in look-up style interpolation of timetables for non-numeric data?
You absolutely can use interp1 on a numeric vector over a datetime grid with unsorted, repeated query points: >> interp1(t,y,tP...

2 years ago | 0

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Adding a column of the same character name for all the rows in a table
It's even simpler than that: >> r1 = array2table(rand(5,1),'VariableNames',"Random1"); >> r1.Time(:) = "hours" r1 = 5×2 tabl...

2 years ago | 0

Table calculations, annual return
Almost certainly the best way to do this is to use a timetable, and a grouped varfun (or grouptransform). >> AAPL = rand(36,1);...

2 years ago | 0

Combine rows and average contents in table
In addition to dpb's solution that uses rowfun, here's a similar sol'n that uses varfun. The difference is that varfun works on ...

2 years ago | 0

How to join data elements with the same date in a table
This is a one-liner with unstack: >> date = datetime(2022,1,[1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3])'; >> station = categorical(["A" "B" "C" "A" "...

2 years ago | 0

Input timetables must contain unique row times when synchronizing using 'linear'
The problem is that one of these files has duplicate rows: >> t1 = readtable('ctm.xlsx'); >> t1.Time = days(t1.Time); t1.Time....

2 years ago | 0

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