R2014b How to disable graphics smoothing by default
Asad - Sorry that you don't like the new anti-aliased (smoothed) plots in R2014b. This has been one of the most requested graphi...

10 years ago | 4

Running python function from Matlab
You could try using the Python interface introduced in MATLAB R2014b. You would need Python on your machine. A few resources ...

10 years ago | 1

R2009b 64bit and numpy
My best guess is that the issue is with trying to connect a 64-bit process (MATLAB) with a 32-bit process (Python with Numpy). Y...

10 years ago | 0

Matlab editor freezes often... can't edit files
Hmmm, this sounds like it might be something about your specific setup - maybe best for MathWorks development to dig in with you...

11 years ago | 0

Accessing simulink blocks in Matlab scripts
Depending on the nature of the models you'd like to build, an alternative to using MATLAB to construct a Simulink model might be...

11 years ago | 1

R2012b custom toolstrip tab?
Andreas is right. Shortcuts can be used to run arbitrary MATLAB code, but not map to other Toolstrip buttons. You can also ...

11 years ago | 0

Too late to submit Negative feedback for R2012b !
Answering Aurelien's second question: We received lots of feedback throughout the process of developing the Toolstrip and doc...

12 years ago | 2

Experiences with release 2012b
(cross-posting a comment I just submitted on <

12 years ago | 12

R2011b Prints script name in Command Window
Phil - Sorry that this change has been disruptive to your workflow. We made the change intentionally, motivated by precisely wh...

12 years ago | 3

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Pre-allocating linked arrays for "live" plotting
I think the issue might simply be with your call to nan. You are creating 200 x 200 arrays of NaNs for x and y. I imagine your...

13 years ago | 0

Adding text to movie in Matlab
Try the text command. - scott

13 years ago | 0

running exe with system
I'm a little confused about your question. I would expect that you want to build a string that looks exactly like the one you w...

13 years ago | 0

Speech recognition Coding
Is your goal to have speech recognition running in MATLAB, or to actually learn how to implement the algorithm? If you just w...

13 years ago | 2

Writing software in MATLAB is useful or in C++
Manu - you might find that the < MATLAB newsgroup> is a better place to hold ...

13 years ago | 0

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Add directory to search path
A couple of techniques come to mind, of various complexity and robustness. *Easy, but fragile* Build a partial path specif...

13 years ago | 3

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Slider appearance on Macs in a cross platform GUI
This page gives a whole range of tips for making GUIs that look good on multiple operating systems: <

13 years ago | 3

How to read images in a folder
Nilushi - We won't be able to hand you a complete answer, but can give some pointers. Here's a code snippet that shows comm...

13 years ago | 26

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Problem with the "get" function to get dat from a handles structure in a GUI
|handles.lambda| is a number, not a graphics object, so |get| won't work on it. Just type |handles.lambda| at the command line ...

13 years ago | 0

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Can I use multiple versions of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime on the same machine?
Yes to both questions. You can install multiple versions of the MCR on a single machine. Deployed applications will automatica...

13 years ago | 6

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