Plotting the average line of a graph of a column imported from an excel
Not sure, where you are getting the error. I tried this % some random numbers x=rand(15808,1); % get the average by usi...

4 years ago | 1

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Calculate volume of cylindric tank
Try this: function [tank_volume mA_points fuel_level mA_reading] = get_tank_volume(tank_diameter, tank_length, sensor_read) % ...

4 years ago | 0

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Location of the "end" statement of the main function in a m. file?
If you have 'end' at the end of a file, then your functions become 'Nested functions'. The variables created inside the function...

4 years ago | 1

Output a video in MATLAB
Try this video = VideoWriter('Helix.avi','Uncompressed AVI'); open(video); h=figure(1); hold on; for t = 2:100001 % ...

4 years ago | 0

Data extraction and indexing of array
If your data size changes throughout the structure then load them into a cell array and access each entry. nid = 5; xposdata =...

4 years ago | 0

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Plotting a graph through the points
You mean fitting a curve or polynomial function through the points? Read: polyfit and you can modify the examples given there ...

4 years ago | 0

Saving an imagesc file as .png without the white borders?
Try: print(I,filename,'-dpng'); By white border if you mean the background outside the figure, then you would have to export ...

4 years ago | 0

About copying txt to matrix
Try this: Look at the examples given there you should be able to do it i...

4 years ago | 0

Sizing array to add to a 3D array
You are changing the array size which is not how you do to store something. You are trying to store multi-dimensional array in a...

4 years ago | 0

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Expression representation in an Iteration
Something like this ? w_k(nx) = 0; w_k_n(n_iter) = 0; for i=1:nx w_k_n(1) = w_k(i); for j=1:n_iter ...

4 years ago | 0

Identify first and last indicies of numbers in an array containing NaN's
Try this: % Instead of diff, just loop through the indices to see the order and group them your_nan_indices = [2, 3, 4, 5, 9...

4 years ago | 0

Plotting a field from a struct inside a struct
Try this: nBlobs = numel(BB); h = figure; clf; hold on; for i = 1:nBlobs x = i; temp = BB(i).blob; temp_s...

4 years ago | 1

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Replace values in grid data (3D) to NaN, like another (3D) have NaN
I don't know if I understood your question properly, but here goes: If you have NaN values in SST matrix and would like to repl...

4 years ago | 1

Help storing values for Ma and Cd so I can create a plot for them.
The problem is inside the for loop. Change this V = sqrt((Vx(n-1))^2 + (Vy(n-1))^2); %V = velocity [ft/s] Ma = V/c; % Ma num...

4 years ago | 0

Averaging subsets of a large dataset
It can be achieved by getting the indices of unique values for the latitude and longitude once you sort the matrix based on them...

4 years ago | 1

Different Scales on same plot
May be give this a try: z=1:2:100; y=log(z); % Dummy log profile h=figure(1); h.Color=[1 1 1]; subplot(1,5,1) p1...

4 years ago | 1

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Adding the signal in a specific interval
Use the 'findpeaks' function to get the locations, from there you can find the sum between the indices [peak_magnitudes,peaks_l...

4 years ago | 0

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Droplet plotting on x-y plane
If you want to retain the droplet on xy plane, then use rectangle() at each circle center instead of plot3() rectangle('Positio...

4 years ago | 0

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fill rectangles with colors
Try this: With the vertices you have, create surfaces and adjust the Z value to see the overlap. However, this way hides the ov...

4 years ago | 1

Help creating a for loop for research purposes
You have frame numbers in the first column of the file, which can be used to build a cell array. Try this: RawDataMatrix = c...

4 years ago | 1

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Writing multiple Lat, lon points to KML File !
The syntax for kmlwrite is: kmlwriteline(filename,latitude,longitude,altitude); The fourth variable passed is considered as al...

4 years ago | 1

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