
Display positive elements of matrix.
Display positive elements of matrix.

8 years ago


Display positive elements of matrix.
Display positive elements of matrix.

8 years ago | 2 | 88 solvers


Rotate a Matrix
Input a Matrix x, Output y is the matrix rotating x 90 degrees clockwise

8 years ago


Set x value to each even index of vector y.
Set x value to each even index of vector y.

8 years ago


Set x value to each even index of vector y.
Set x value to each even index of vector y.

8 years ago | 2 | 73 solvers


Sum positive elements of matrix.
Calculate sum of positive elements of the matrix.

8 years ago


Sum positive elements of matrix.
Calculate sum of positive elements of the matrix.

8 years ago | 3 | 119 solvers


Find sum of negative elements in row.
Find sum of negative elements in row. Example x=[1 -5 3 4 -6 6 7 8 9 10] result = -11

8 years ago | 1 | 109 solvers


Pointwise multiplication of vectors.
Pointwise multiplication of vectors x and y. Example x= [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19] y=[ 1 4...

8 years ago


Pointwise multiplication of vectors.
Pointwise multiplication of vectors x and y. Example x= [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19] y=[ 1 4...

8 years ago | 2 | 106 solvers


Vectors multiplication.
Multiply two vectors x transposed and y.Example x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ] y = [ 1 2 ...

8 years ago


Factorial !
Calculate the factorial of a non-negative integer without using the built in function *factorial*

8 years ago


Remove the positive integers.
Given array,x, remove all the positive numbers and display ouput as y. Example x=[1 -2 3 -4] , output is y=[-2 -4].

8 years ago


Calculate square and cube of number
Calculate square and cube of number x

8 years ago


y equals x divided by 2
function y = x/2

8 years ago


Find the Nth Root of a Given Number
Find the Nth root of a given number x. Examples x = 4096 n = 4 y = 8 x = 625 n = 5 y = 3.6239

8 years ago


Finding perimeter of a rectangle
A rectangle has a length of x centimeters and a width of w centimeters. Find the perimeter.

8 years ago


Area of a disk
Find the area of a disk or circle. x= radius of the disk.

8 years ago


factorial of a number x
Factorial of a number x

8 years ago


Matrix of almost all zeros, except for main diagonal
Write a program to input an integer n and build a n-by-n matrix with the numbers 1,2,...,n on the main diagonal and zeros elsewh...

8 years ago


Square a Number
Given an input x, return y, which is equal to the square of x.

8 years ago


Is My Wife Wrong?
Answer the question. (see also < Problem 149: Is my ...

8 years ago


Area of a circle
Find the value for area of the circle if diameter is given

8 years ago


Matlab Basics II - squares
Write a function that takes matrix A, and squares each element in the matrix example: A = [1 2 3] output = [1 4 9]

8 years ago


Matlab Basics II - Count rows in a matrix
Write a function that returns that number of rows in a vector or matrix x example: x = [1; 2; 3] output = 3

8 years ago


Array of Ones
Create a 100 X 100 array of ones.

8 years ago


How many monitors are connected ?
How to obtain the numbers of monitors connected to your computer ?

8 years ago


Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Calculate the Celsius temperature C given the Fahrenheit temperature F. Examples: Input F = 90 Output C is 32.22 I...

8 years ago


Replacing a row
For matrix G=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] Replace the 2nd row with 8s **remember to create matrix G

8 years ago


Multiply by 3
Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by three and put the result in y.

8 years ago

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