
Create a matrix with difference of each row of input matrix
With a given input matrix A, create a output matrix B in such a way that each row in B is a difference of rows of input matrix A...

8 years ago


Finding an element in a vector
x is a vector of unknown length your function should return the index of the first element in the vector that is greater than...

8 years ago


Sum of series III
What is the sum of the following sequence: Σ(2k-1)^3 for k=1...n for different n?

8 years ago


Rotate Matrix @180 degree
Rotate Matrix @180 degree Example A=[8 1 6; 3 5 7; 4 9 2], then answer would be [2 9 4;...

8 years ago


Return 'bruh'.

8 years ago


Decide whether determinant is zero.
Given a 3 x 3 matrix, find the determinant. Let y = true if the determinant is zero, and let y = false if the determinant is no...

8 years ago


Delete 2nd and 5th column of Given 6*6 matrix
Delete the 2nd and 5th columns of the given 6*6 matrix. Example Suppose A = magic(6) 35 1 6 26 19 ...

8 years ago


Power The Product
EXAMPLE: INPUT x=10 & y=10 OUTPUT z=1000000 or, INPUT x=2 & y=3 OUTPUT z= 216 you just need to calculate the product first...

8 years ago


UICBioE240 problem 1.16
sin^2(pi/6) + cos^2(pi/6)

8 years ago


What's size of TV?
Many people buy TV. Usually they ask about diagonal. But also important are width and height. Let's assume that all TV have rati...

8 years ago


Product of Array
Given an array of numbers. Get the product of the array.

8 years ago


UICBioE240 problem 1.1
Remove the middle row from a matrix, assuming # of rows is odd. So if A = [ 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] the...

8 years ago


Power of n ?
Determine if _x_ (positive integer) is a power of _n_, return true or false accordingly.

8 years ago


Find out sum of prime number till given number
Find out sum of prime number till given number Example, if number is 10, then answer must be 17.

8 years ago


Sum all integers from 1 to 2^x
Given a number x, your function must return the summation of all integers from 1 to 2^x.

8 years ago


UICBioE240 problem 1.17
In the expression (2+5i), how does MATLAB read the expressions A = 2+5i B = 2+5*i C = both are okay Write capital letter a...

8 years ago


Sum of integers numbers
Sum of the numbers from 1 to 100

8 years ago


Conversion from hours to mili sec
Convert given input in hours to mili seconds

8 years ago


UICBioE240 2.8
Convert x number of hours into seconds.

8 years ago


Find the area of a rectangle if length of the diagonal is given.
if length of a diagnonal in rectangle is 5. Its area is 12.

8 years ago


Make a vector of prime numbers
Input(n) - length of vector with prime numbers Output(v) - vector of prime numbers Example: * n=1; v=2 * n=3; v=[2 3 5...

8 years ago


Divide by 4
Given the variable x as your input, divide it by 4 and put the result in y.

8 years ago


Vector creation
Create a vector using square brackets going from 1 to the given value x in steps on 1. Hint: use increment.

8 years ago


Compute LOG(1+X) in natural log
Compute LOG(1+X) in natural log

8 years ago


Print true if (2)
There are 0. a=[1 2 3 4 0]; b=[1 1 1 1 1]; function(a) is true, and function(b) is false.

8 years ago


Given a box, find the volume of the cube. With each side = a.

8 years ago


Change the first and last diagonal element of the identity matrix to zero
Starting with the identity matrix, change first and last diagonal element to zero. Example If n=5 A = 0 0 ...

8 years ago


UICBioE240 2.3
Make a 4D matrix of 4x4x3x4 containing all zeros.

8 years ago


Create square matrix with given conditions.
Create square matrix which should be like given matrix M. M = [ n^2 n*(n-1) n*(n-2) ... n*2 n; n*(n-1)...

8 years ago


Summation of array
Given an array, Find the sum of all of the elements in it Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5; 4 5 6 7]; Output y is 33

8 years ago

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