
Monte-Carlo integration
Write a function that estimates a d-dimensional integral to at least 1% relative precision. Inputs: * d: positive integer....

4 years ago


Integer sequence - 2 : Kolakoski sequence
Get the n-th term of < Kolakoski Sequence>.

4 years ago


Alternating sum
Given vector x, calculate the alternating sum y = x(1) - x(2) + x(3) - x(4) + ...

4 years ago


Square Digits Number Chain Terminal Value (Inspired by Project Euler Problem 92)
Given a number _n_, return the terminal value of the number chain formed by summing the square of the digits. According to the P...

4 years ago


"Look and say" sequence
What's the next number in this sequence? * [0] * [1 0] * [1 1 1 0] * [3 1 1 0] * [1 3 2 1 1 0] This a variant on the w...

4 years ago


Sum of first n terms of a harmonic progression
Given inputs a, d and n, return the sum of the first n terms of the harmonic progression a, a/(1+d), a/(1+2d), a/(1+3d),....

4 years ago


Sum the Infinite Series
Given that 0 < x and x < 2*pi where x is in radians, write a function [c,s] = infinite_series(x); that returns with the...

4 years ago


Convert this color - RGB Vector to Hex String
Given a 3 element RGB vector corresponding to a color (given by the MATLAB color spec <

4 years ago


Convert hex color specification to MATLAB RGB
Here's something that comes up all the time if you deal with web pages. Given a <

4 years ago


Successive zeros
Suppose n is the number of digits a number contains. Now, 12032 - is a valid n=5 digit number. But 10023 - is defined as i...

4 years ago


Successive zeros (harder)
The problem is from Problem 45436, <> Suppose n i...

4 years ago


What are the odds?
Two numbers, A and B are drawn randomly and uniformly on [-R,R]. What is the probability that A*B < A+B. Your function should ...

4 years ago


The almost-birthday problem.
This is a harder version of the birthday problem. Now, you will have to determine the probability that two or more people in a r...

4 years ago


Mean = Standard Deviation
Create a series with following properties; # All of the members should be positive integer # Mean of the series should be in...

4 years ago


Probability of red tulips (at both ends of a row)
I planted tulip bulbs in a row on my flower bed. I thought that I had planted white tulips all. However, later, it turned out t...

4 years ago


Cumulative probability of finding an unlikely combination
This is a supplemental problem to the < CryptoMath> ...

4 years ago


Chess probability
The difference in the ratings between two players serves as a predictor of the outcome of a match (the <

4 years ago


Guess the number I'm thinking of
In this game you are competing against two other people to guess the number that I'm thinking of. # I randomly choose an *i...

4 years ago


Eliminate Outliers Using Interquartile Range
Given a vector with your "data" find the outliers and remove them. To determine whether data contains an outlier: # Identi...

4 years ago


Histogram of histogram
Histogram of histogram (HoH) is a useful measure concerning the distribution of random data, which has diverse applications in d...

4 years ago


Given n, create n random numbers such that their standard deviation is also n.
Given n, create n random numbers such that their standard deviation is also n.

4 years ago


Rate of event occurence: find percentiles of the distribution (for smallish rates)
*In this problem you need to find the 5th and 95th percentiles of a Poisson distribution defined by parameter _μ_ (the mean rate...

4 years ago


Test Driven Solution - Probability Problem 2
*Problem:* Without any Cody cheats, write code that passes the test suite. *Hint:* The test suite gets samples from the proba...

4 years ago


Test Driven Solution - Probability Problem 1
*Problem:* Without any Cody cheats, write code that passes the test suite. *Hint:* The test suite gets samples from the proba...

4 years ago


If you prick us, do we not bleed?
While doing some quick sewing to fix up your child's Halloween costume, you accidentally jab your finger with the needle. Refle...

4 years ago


Generating random matrix with given probability mass function
Inspired by <

4 years ago


Simulating the selection of a state with given probabilities
Lets say we have 3 different states [1,2,3] with the probabilities of occurrences of each state is given as [0.5 0.2 0.3]. Which...

4 years ago


Probability of Choosing a Red Ball
Given two jars of red and blue balls, find the probability of choosing a red ball from Jar 1 after going through the steps. ...

4 years ago


Throwing Dice - Will You Be Eaten By The Dragon?
You and a dragon have agreed to let dice rolls determine whether it eats you or not. The dragon will roll a single die, of x ...

4 years ago


Unique dice configurations
Given a number of dice N and the number of sides on each die S, write a MATLAB function that will output how many unique permuta...

4 years ago

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