
Portfolio diversification: choose your stocks !
we have the returns of 3 stocks for the last 4 years and we have to combine only 2 stocks that are less correlated. Example: ...

6 years ago


Portfolio diversification: choose your stocks !
we have the returns of 3 stocks for the last 4 years and we have to combine only 2 stocks that are less correlated. Example: ...

6 years ago | 1 | 21 solvers


Triangle sequence
A sequence of triangles is constructed in the following way: 1) the first triangle is Pythagoras' 3-4-5 triangle 2) the s...

6 years ago


Find a Pythagorean triple
Given four different positive numbers, a, b, c and d, provided in increasing order: a < b < c < d, find if any three of them com...

6 years ago


prime test 2
enter the only non prime,non composite number

6 years ago


modulus of a number
find the modulus of a given number

6 years ago


Basic commands - Greatest common divisor
Please write a function, which, will put as output greatest common divisor. Example: A = [-5 17; 10 0];...

6 years ago


Help the Patriots get to the Super Bowl
Given a football by the Patriots, return it to them with 2 psi less air in it. (The original psi is passed as a number to the...

6 years ago


Calculate some equation
Using given inputs x and z, make two outputs that are y1 = (xz)/(x/z)^2 + 14x^2 - 0.8z^2 y2 = x^z - z^x + (x/z)^2 - (z/x...

6 years ago


Number of problems
No, you don't read it wrong: this assignment is to return the number of this problem (and not the problem of this number).

6 years ago


vector to string
Determine what the ASCII characters spell out. Example: input = [ 72 73 71 72] output = 'HIGH'

6 years ago


A quadrant matrix
Write a function called quadrants that takes as its input argument a scalar integer named n. The function returns Q, a 2n-by-2n ...

6 years ago


Kelvin to Celsius
Degrees Celsius = degrees Kelvin - 273.15. Given a temperature in Kelvin, return the equivalent temperature in Celsius.

6 years ago


Find Out sum of principal diagonal element of given matrix
Find out sum of principal diagonal element of given matrix If A=[1 0 0; 0 1 0;0 0 1], then answer must be 3.

6 years ago


Project Euler: Problem 10, Sum of Primes
The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17. Find the sum of all the primes below the input, N. Thank you <http:/...

6 years ago


Rounding off numbers to n decimals
Inspired by a mistake in one of the problems I created, I created this problem where you have to round off a floating point numb...

6 years ago


Area of rhombus
Calculate the rhombus area

6 years ago


Side of a rhombus
If a rhombus has diagonals of length x and x+1, then what is the length of its side, y? <<

6 years ago


Is this triangle right-angled?
Given any three positive numbers a, b, c, return true if the triangle with sides a, b and c is right-angled. Otherwise, return f...

6 years ago


Is this triangle right-angled?
Given three positive numbers a, b, c, where c is the largest number, return *true* if the triangle with sides a, b and c is righ...

6 years ago


Dimensions of a rectangle
The longer side of a rectangle is three times the length of the shorter side. If the length of the diagonal is x, find the width...

6 years ago


matrix of natural number
Given a number n, create an n-by-n matrix in which the integers from 1 to n^2 resides seially as shown in the examples below. ...

6 years ago


Getting the absolute index from a matrix
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- You may already know how to get the <

6 years ago


Small Riddle
Mr. Smith has two children. If the older child is a boy, what are the odds that the other child is also a boy?

6 years ago


metre to feet converter
The idea is to make a converter, which exchange meters to feets. We use a factor of 1m = 3.281*1f. so 3m are equals to 9.843 m...

6 years ago


Find the square of the sum of the digits of a number
If a number (n) is provided as an input, find the square of the sum of the digits of the number. Example If n = 21, the an...

6 years ago


Finding an element in a vector
x is a vector of unknown length your function should return the index of the first element in the vector that is greater than...

6 years ago


Return 'bruh'.

6 years ago


Vector LCM
* Find Least Common Multiple of a given vector. * Need general solution as the test suite will be expanded. * Function Templa...

6 years ago


Conversion from hours to mili sec
Convert given input in hours to mili seconds

6 years ago

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