xlwrite not writing when complied using Application Compiler
If no error is being thrown by xlwrite, chances are your current directory at runtime is not where you think it is. You could...

9 years ago | 0

Normalized cross-correlation function
Hi Manolis, To directly replicate what the equations say (shifting indices with +1), the calculation would look more like thi...

9 years ago | 0

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How to delete a submatrix from a matrix using the ZEROS command instead of [ ] square brackets?
Hi Kevin, Using the square bracket assignment is the standard way to delete a row or column. I'm curious why you're looking f...

9 years ago | 0

Normalized cross-correlation function
Hi Manolis, You are looping n and m by starting at 1, but in the formula you posted the sum starts at 0. You will need to cor...

9 years ago | 0

Reiteration sequence without Fib function.
Hi Ann, Sounds like your function should take the following inputs: the first value of your sequence, the second value of you...

9 years ago | 0

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Text variable in 'cell' data type.
Hi Simon, The cell2mat function will attempt to convert your cell into a matrix. If your csv file contains mixed data (some n...

9 years ago | 0

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create a random two dice product ? histogram ?
Hi rana, If you sample dice d1 & d2 1000 times each and multiply them together, you have a sample space of 1000 products. Do ...

9 years ago | 1

Finding the sum of a series
Your code works fine, but you forgot about the k=0 term in your summation. I've simplified your summation somewhat, but the only...

9 years ago | 0

Matlab to Excel via Activex - How to iteratively add Matlab variables?
Hi 10B, If you want to output 300 separate tables, stacking them vertically in a single excel sheet will probably be hard to ...

9 years ago | 1

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Optimization: which function is better for my case?
From the fmincon screen shot, you didn't get any errors - just a warning. It's more of a notification. fmincon is the way to ...

9 years ago | 0

How do I take specific data from an array?
For an Nx1 array V, you can contract V based on any conditional test such as the one you described. For example: >> V=1:10; ...

9 years ago | 0

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Getting the mean value of a row in an array?
Chris, I think you're looking for one of two things, but I'm not sure which. Try these out and see if it's the output you're ...

9 years ago | 0

Hi amr, You shouldn't be copying the values out of the variable editor like that. Try using xlswrite('output.xlsx',t)...

9 years ago | 2

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Subtracting 3d datasets
Hi Jessica, Can you store the data in a three dimensional array? Can you also try to explain the operation more clearly? ...

9 years ago | 0

Documentation on Bessel function implementation?
Have you checked out these Matlab functions? first kind: < besselj> m...

9 years ago | 1

How do you work with qualitative data in Matlab?
Hi Jennie, To access the contents of a cell, use curly braces. >> X={'hey','hey','hi','hello'}; >> X{1} ans = ...

9 years ago | 0

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datetick does not set x-ticks accurately
Hi Diego, When you use the 'keepticks' option in your datetick function call datetick('x','yyyy-qq','keepticks','keeplimi...

9 years ago | 1

How to properly import data from excel documents and graph them?
To summarize all the comments, xlsread won't work on a file improperly saved in xls format, so you have to re-save them properly...

9 years ago | 0

binary to decimal conversion
Hi Anika, I used the following code to convert a 16x16 matrix to binary (256x8) and back with no problems. Please check that ...

9 years ago | 0

Generate Sound for a range of frequencies in MATLAB individually
Hi Varun, To fix the duration problem, include the sampling frequency "fs" as the second argument to sound(). I can still hea...

9 years ago | 0

How to find the firs numeric data in varargin?
If the below code is not the answer you want, please elaborate on your question. function MrM(varargin) firstnum=fin...

9 years ago | 1

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How to capture tokens using regular expressions?
This isn't the most efficient or elegant solution, but it solves the problem. Let me know if your data is large enough that this...

9 years ago | 0

CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.
Your last statement is attempting to combine arrays x, g(x), e, and rat into a single array. To combine the arrays correctly, yo...

9 years ago | 0

How can I read a file with two different set of columns and multiple delimiters
Try using < delimread>. Download the function and add it to y...

9 years ago | 0

Joining points of a plot
Just add a dash to the line specification to connect the dots. Instead of plot(tau_invp(n), T_delayp(n), 'r.') Add a ...

9 years ago | 0

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How do I guage plotting speed when using the plot function?
Below is a simple test to show that plotting 21 thousand observations does not take long. The below plot is done in 0.005 second...

9 years ago | 0

Problem with renaming dublicated variablenames
As long as you expect no more than 99 duplicates, this should solve your problem. You can remove the sort() call if your names w...

9 years ago | 0

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Average of the Vector elements in the matrix
Below is a loop to take the mean of the first 20 columns, then the next 20 columns, etc. Let me know if this is not the computat...

9 years ago | 0

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csv file with a whitespace before comma
I reproduced the error in 2015a. Indeed there are two trailing 0 columns when the csv file contains white space, but no trailing...

9 years ago | 1

Sum of series to infinity
I'm not a symbolic toolbox user, but I think you need to set C as a symbolic variable to make a valid symbolic expression for sy...

9 years ago | 0